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Targeting Object


in general, campaign fields that implement targeting are represented by a Targeting Object.


Audience targeting fields are handled a bit differently - and are represented by a Multi-Targeting Object - see Audience Targeting Overview.

The Targeting Object has 3 fields:

  • type
  • value
  • href

The following sample Campaign Object illustrates:

   // Additional Campaign fields omitted...
   "postal_code_targeting": {
      "type": "INCLUDE",
      "value": null,
      "href": "https://backstage.taboola.com/backstage/api/1.0/demo-account/campaigns/1234/targeting/postal_code"
   // Additional Campaign fields omitted...
   "platform_targeting": {
      "type": "INCLUDE",
      "value": [
      "href": null
   // Additional Campaign fields omitted...



postal_code_targeting stores a reference to its collection in the href property. It's value property is always null.
platform_targeting stores its collection directly in the value property. Its href property is always null. Most targeting fields implement this scheme (with the exception of audience targeting fields - as noted above above).

Targeting Object Schema

typeRequired for targeting fields that implement a typical flow.

(See notes)
Possible values:

The supplied values should be included (targeted).
The supplied values should be excluded
Target all (no targeting).
Type of targeting - whether the listed values should be excluded (EXCLUDE) or included (INCLUDE). ALL indicates that there is no targeting.

(For postal_code_targeting, this property is not updated directly.)
valueRequired for targeting fields that implement a typical flow.

(See notes)

Possible values depend on the item being targeted.
For targeting fields that implement a typical flow - e.g. platform_targeting - this property is required and stores the targeted collection.

(For postal_code_targeting, this property is always null.)
hrefRead-onlyString (URL format)For postal_code_targeting, href stores a reference to the targeted values (e.g. a reference to the /targeting/postal_code endpoint, for the current campaign).

(For targeting fields that implement a typical flow - e.g. platform_targeting - this property is always null.)


You must adhere to the restrictions defined for each field. Otherwise, the server will return 400 Bad Request.