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Dimension Columns

Dimension columns identify a given dimension.


To see which dimension(s) a column applies to, see Supported Dimensions.

The start date for the reporting period.
Applies to day, week and month dimensions.
(For the day dimension, the date and date_end_period are the same.)
The end date for the reporting period.
Applies to day, week and month dimensions.
(For the day dimension, the date and date_end_period are the same.)
hour_of_dayStringA time of day, specified as an hour (01:00, 02:00, etc.)
content_providerStringAlphabetic Advertiser ID (aka Account ID) e.g. "demo-advertiser".
content_provider_nameStringAdvertiser Name e.g. "Demo Advertiser".
campaigns_numStringNumber of campaigns for that advertiser.
campaignStringThe campaign_id (A numeric string).
campaign_nameStringHuman-readable campaign name.
traffic_allocation_modeStringSee the traffic_allocation_mode campaign field.
traffic_allocation_ab_test_start_timeDate (ISO 8601)

E.g. "2021-03-25 16:00:00.0"
The A/B Testing start date (if relevant).

See next.
traffic_allocation_ab_test_end_dateDate (ISO 8601)

E.g. "2021-04-02 06:59:59.0"
The A/B Testing end date (if relevant).

See the traffic_allocation_ab_test_end_date campaign field.
campaign_learning_stateStringThe learning state of the Campaign.

Possible values:

LEARNING_LIMITED (insufficient events for learning)

The learning state of a Campaign is influenced by the learning state of its various Items.

For more detail, see the following Help Center article: Creative Expedition
siteStringAlphabetic Site ID (aka Account ID) e.g. "demo-site".
site_nameStringSite Name e.g. "Demo Site".
site_idLongNumeric Site ID (aka Account ID) e.g. 1023.
countryStringMachine-readable country name (2-letter code).
See the Dictionary for a list of possible values. (Refer to the name property.)
country_nameStringHuman-readable country name.
See the Dictionary for a list of possible values. (Refer to the value property.)
regionStringHuman-readable region name (country-specific).
See the Dictionary for a list of possible values. (Refer to the value property.)
dmaStringHuman-readable DMA name (US-specific).
See the Dictionary for a list of possible values. (Refer to the value property.)
platformStringMachine-readable platform name
platform_nameStringHuman-readable platform name
os_familyStringThe O/S Family.
blocking_levelStringIndicates the level of blocking:

No blocking
Campaign-level block
Advertiser-level block
partner_nameStringHuman-readable data partner
audience_nameStringHuman-readable audience (segment) name
data_partner_audience_idStringMachine-readable data partner audience ID
impressions_pctPercentAudience ID Impressions percent.
Applies to user_segment_breakdown dimension.
Calculated as Audience ID Impressions / Total Campaign Impressions.