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Bulk update items across campaigns

Bulk update items across multiple campaigns - e.g. pause all submitted items.
You can also use a network account to bulk update items across the network.

See also:


POST /backstage/api/1.0/demo-advertiser/items/bulk
    "items_to_update": [
    "baseline_item": {
        "is_active": true
    "results": [{
            "id": "309",
            "campaign_id": "33",
            "type": "ITEM",
            "url": "https://www.example.com/news/demo_article_9.html",
            "thumbnail_url": "http://cdn.example.com/demo_image_9.jpg",
            "title": "Demo Article 9",
            "description": null,
            "approval_state": "APPROVED",
            "is_active": false,
            "status": "RUNNING",
            "policy_review": {
                "reject_reason": null,
                "status_reason": null
            "cta": null,
            "creative_focus": {
                "type": "AUTOMATIC",
                "coordinates": null
            "id": "801",
            "campaign_id": "270",
            "type": "ITEM",
            "url": "https://www.example.com/news/demo_article_1.html",
            "thumbnail_url": "http://cdn.example.com/demo_image_1.jpg",
            "title": "Demo Article 1",
            "description": null,
            "approval_state": "APPROVED",
            "is_active": false,
            "status": "RUNNING",
            "policy_review": {
                "reject_reason": null,
                "status_reason": null
            "cta": null,
            "creative_focus": {
                "type": "AUTOMATIC",
                "coordinates": null
            "id": "573",
            "campaign_id": "163",
            "type": "ITEM",
            "url": "https://www.example.com/news/demo_article_3.html",
            "thumbnail_url": "http://cdn.example.com/demo_image_3.jpg",
            "title": "Demo Article 3",
            "description": null,
            "approval_state": "APPROVED",
            "is_active": false,
            "status": "RUNNING",
            "policy_review": {
                "reject_reason": null,
                "status_reason": null
            "cta": null,
            "creative_focus": {
                "type": "AUTOMATIC",
                "coordinates": null
    "metadata": {


Request Object

  1. items_to_update: a list of Item IDs to update (each ID passed as a Number). These items can belong to different campaigns under your account.
  2. baseline_item: an object containing the item fields to update.


Supported Fields

  1. is_active
  2. creative_focus

Bulk update supports the above 2 item fields only.



  1. To bulk update items, use the POST verb.
  2. Limit each request to a maximum of 200 items.
  3. By default, if the update operation fails for 1 item, then no items will be updated. To override this behavior, pass ?is_atomic=false.
  4. The bulk update operation is applicable for regular items and video items. (Video items included in the request will ignore the creative_focus field.)


The network account

You can use a network account to update items across the network:
POST backstage/api/1.0/{network-account}/items/bulk

For more information about the network account see: Network Accounts.


See also
