
The Taboola Backstage Dictionary provides 2 resources: resources and dictionary. Both resources are used for retrieval only (GET operations). This section describes the response object returned by the resources endpoint.

The Response Object

The response object contains a results array. Each object within the array has 2 properties: name and value.

Example 1 - Fetch a list of top-level Dictionaries:

GET /backstage/api/1.0/resources/
   "results": [
         "name": "countries",
         "value": "Lists all supported countries"
         "name": "platforms",
         "value": "Lists all supported platforms"
         "name": "languages",
         "value": "Lists all supported languages"
         "name": "campaigns_properties",
         "value": "Lists resources related to campaigns"
      // Additional rows (objects) omitted

Example 2 - Fetch a list of supported countries:

GET /backstage/api/1.0/resources/country
   "results": [
         "name": "CA",
         "value": "Canada"
         "name": "BZ",
         "value": "Belize"
         "name": "BY",
         "value": "Belarus"
         "name": "CG",
         "value": "Congo"
      // Additional rows (objects) omitted


NameModifiersData TypeDescription
nameRead-onlyStringUnique key
Represents a specific enum value. It can also be appended to the request URL to traverse down the dictionary tree.
valueRead-onlyStringDisplay value
A human-readable description of the enum value.