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API Reference

Browser Targeting

You can target specific browsers for a given campaign.


Use the Dictionary to fetch a list of available browsers:
GET /backstage/api/1.0/resources/campaigns_properties/browsers


Apply Targeting

Use the campaigns endpoint to update the campaign. In the browser_targeting field, the value property contains the collection to target.

POST /backstage/api/1.0/demo-advertiser/campaigns/1234
   "browser_targeting": {
      "type": "INCLUDE",
      "value": [
   "id": "1234",
   "browser_targeting": {
      "type": "INCLUDE",
      "value": [
      "href": null


For the browser_targeting field, the href property is always null.


The API will not attempt to validate the combined targeting for platform, OS and browser. (If the targeted combination does not exist, the campaign will not display.)

Fetch Targeting

Use the campaigns endpoint to fetch the campaign. In the browser_targeting field, the value property stores the targeted collection.

GET /backstage/api/1.0/demo-advertiser/campaigns/1234
   "id": "1234",
   "browser_targeting": {
      "type": "INCLUDE",
      "value": [
      "href": null


For the browser_targeting field, the href property is always null.

Remove Targeting (Target ALL)

Use the campaigns endpoint to update the campaign. In the browser_targeting field, submit a type property of "ALL". (Omit the value property from the request object - or pass a value of null.) In the updated Campaign Object, the value property is now an empty collection.

POST /backstage/api/1.0/demo-advertiser/campaigns/1234
   "browser_targeting": {
      "type": "ALL",
   // other Campaign fields...
   "publisher_targeting": {
      "type": "ALL",
      "value": [],
      "href": null



'Patching' is not supported. Submitted values overwrite any existing ones.