Create a Performance Video Item (Motion Ad)

Create a performance video item (motion ad).

Creating a Performance Video Item (Motion Ad)

When creating a motion ad, you must include 4 required fields:*

  1. url
  2. title
  3. video_url
  4. fallback_url

*Alternatively, you can combine JSON content with multipart/form-data (file uploads). cURL examples are provided below.


Guidelines for Motion Ads

For guidelines and best practices, refer to the Help Center, or sync with your Taboola Account Manager.

JSON example

Example 1 - JSON request with URL Params:

POST /backstage/api/1.0/taboola-demo/campaigns/1234/performance-video/items/
   "url": "",
   "title": "Demo Article",
   "video_url": "",
   "fallback_url": ""
   "id": "123",
   "campaign_id": "1234",
   "url": "",
   "title": "Demo Article",
   "approval_state": "PENDING",
   "is_active": true,
   "status": "PENDING_APPROVAL",
   "policy_review": {
      "reject_reason": null
   "fallback_url": "",
   "gif_url": "",
   "video_url": "!-#@800x448"


The Taboola solution generates 3 new assets:

  1. An optimized video file, in MP4 format (video_url, in the response).
  2. A GIF, based on the above MP4 (gif_url, in the response).
  3. An optimized fallback image (fallback_url, in the response).

These are saved in the Taboola CDN.


Creation of the above assets takes time. A typical response may take 15 seconds or longer (depending on the video file size, server load, network latency, etc.)

File upload examples

Example 1 - upload video file (using cURL):

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer CZ0OAAAAAAAAEdt7AgAAAAAAGAEgAClLv6MHdQEAADooNjQ0NWZjNGQ2ZWRlNWJkNWFjZDQ2MDM5NjRiZWRhMmRjZjZhOThjMEAC::644420::78997c' \
--form 'new_item={
   "url": "",
   "title": "Demo Article",
   "fallback_url": ""
};type=application/json' \
--form 'video_file=@/Users/john.doe/Downloads/demo_video.mp4'
   "id": "123",
   "campaign_id": "1234",
   "url": "",
   "title": "Demo Article",
   "approval_state": "PENDING",
   "is_active": true,
   "status": "PENDING_APPROVAL",
   "policy_review": {
      "reject_reason": null
   "fallback_url": "",
   "gif_url": "",
   "video_url": "!-#@800x448"

Example 2 - upload 2 files (using cURL):

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer CZ0OAAAAAAAAEdt7AgAAAAAAGAEgAClLv6MHdQEAADooNjQ0NWZjNGQ2ZWRlNWJkNWFjZDQ2MDM5NjRiZWRhMmRjZjZhOThjMEAC::644420::78997c' \
--form 'new_item={
   "url": "",
   "title": "Demo Article"
};type=application/json' \
--form 'video_file=@/Users/john.doe/Downloads/demo_video.mp4'
--form 'fallback_file=@/Users/john.doe/Downloads/demo_image.png'
   "id": "123",
   "campaign_id": "1234",
   "url": "",
   "title": "Demo Article",
   "approval_state": "PENDING",
   "is_active": true,
   "status": "PENDING_APPROVAL",
   "policy_review": {
      "reject_reason": null
   "fallback_url": "",
   "gif_url": "",
   "video_url": "!-#@800x448"


Uploading files

  1. Upload files as multipart/form-data.
  2. Pass all other params within the new_item JSON object param.
  3. Specify a content type of application\json for the new_item param only. (In the above example, this is the ;type=application/json snippet just after new_item JSON object.)


If the request is missing a param - or the content type is incorrectly specified - the server may return Error 500.
