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Publisher Targeting (Blocking)


You can block publishers at the campaign level - this topic describes some typical flows.


You can also block publishers at the account level (i.e. for all campaigns). See: Account Level Blocking.


Update Targeting

  1. Use the campaigns endpoint to update the publisher_targeting field:
POST /backstage/api/1.0/demo-advertiser/campaigns/1234
   "publisher_targeting": {
      "type": "EXCLUDE",
      "value": [


Publisher Networks

  • Blocking of publisher networks is not supported via the API.
  • When you apply campaign-level publisher targeting, the API will first strip out any network ids - and then suppress the remaining publisher ids.
  • If you need to block a publisher network, reach out to your Taboola Account Manager.


Publisher targeting supports EXCLUDE (suppression) only. The INCLUDE operation is not supported.

  1. In the updated Campaign Object, the value property stores the targeted collection:
   // other Campaign fields...
   "publisher_targeting": {
      "type": "EXCLUDE",
      "value": [
      "href": null


Blocked at both levels

  • Publishers blocked at both the campaign and account levels, show at the account level only. (They are not returned by the campaigns endpoint.)
  • The same holds true for a network blocked at the account level. Campaign-level blocks (for any publishers under that network) are not returned by the campaigns endpoint.
  • Blocking of publisher networks is not supported via the API. (If do you need to block a publisher network, please reach out to your Taboola Account Manager.)

Remove Targeting (Target ALL)

  1. Use the campaigns endpoint to submit a type property of "ALL":
POST /backstage/api/1.0/demo-advertiser/campaigns/1234
   "publisher_targeting": {
      "type": "ALL"
  1. In the updated Campaign Object, the value property is now an empty collection:
   // other Campaign fields...
   "publisher_targeting": {
      "type": "ALL",
      "value": [],
      "href": null


For the publisher_targeting field, href is always null.

Patch Targeting

An update operation (above) overwrites any existing targeting. You can also patch the existing targeting (without re-submitting the entire collection). See: Patching Targeted Publishers.