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NameModifier & DefaultsTypeDescription

Possible Values:

Monthly recurring budget
Non-recurring budget
No spending limit
Determines if the campaign has:

- A monthly recurring budget
(automatically reset each month)
- An overall spending limit
- No spending limit (for eligible accounts only)

For more detail, see below.


Possible values

Use the Dictionary to fetch the up-to-date list of possible values:



When defining the spending limit for a given campaign, the following 2 fields work together:

In general, campaigns have 3 possible spending limit models:

  • Monthly
    • spending_limit = monthly amount the campaign can consume.
    • Once the budget is depleted, the campaign stops running for this month, and status = MONTHLY_DEPLETED.
    • When a new month begins, the campaign's budget is replenished and the campaign starts running again (status = RUNNING).
  • Entire
    • spending_limit = entire amount that the campaign can consume.
    • Once the budget is depleted, the campaign stops running, and status = DEPLETED.
  • None
    • Indicates that this campaign has no spending limit.
    • The spending_limit field must be omitted, or set to null.
    • You must submit a daily_cap.


Campaigns with no spending limit are available for eligible accounts only.