Get Advertiser Accounts in Network

Returns a list of advertiser accounts in your network.
See also: Get Allowed Accounts (below).

GET /backstage/api/1.0/demo-account-network/advertisers
   "results": [
         "id": 1306,
         "name": "Demo Account 1",
         "account_id": "demo-account-001",
         "partner_types": [
         "type": "PARTNER",
         "campaign_types": [
         "currency": "USD",
         "time_zone_name": "US/Eastern"
         "id": 1307,
         "name": "Demo Account 2",
         "account_id": "demo-account-002",
         "partner_types": [
         "type": "PARTNER",
         "campaign_types": [
         "currency": "USD",
         "time_zone_name": "US/Pacific"
   "metadata": {
      "total": 2,



  1. Pass the network account as a path param. (If the account passed is not a network account, the endpoint returns 404.)
  2. Returns all advertiser accounts for the specified network.
  3. Returns sub-accounts only - i.e. it does not return the network account.

See also: Get Allowed Accounts (below).


The account_id of your network account is provided to you during the API onboarding process, together with your client_id and client_secret.

Backstage API also provides a convenience method for fetching your account_id. See: Get Account Details (above).
