Get all My Audiences

Returns all My Audiences for the specified account. The response includes:

  1. Pixel-based audiences created via the my_audiences endpoint (see the topics below).
  2. First-party audiences created via the audience_onbarding/create endpoint.
  3. Audiences created via Taboola Ads (or Backstage UI) e.g. CRM-based audiences.

The my_audiences endpoint replaces the universal_pixel/custom_audience_rule endpoint.


   "results": [
         "id": 112125,
         "display_name": "Taboola Pixel Audience - Display Name",
         "look_back_window": 30,
         "category": "NONE",
         "status": "ACTIVE",
         "type": "LOOKALIKE",
         "event_name": "NONE",
         "condition": {
            "property": null,
            "predicate": null,
            "value": null,
            "children": null
         "exclude_from_campaigns": false,
         "description": null,
         "advertiser_id": "demo-account",
         "last_modified_by": "[email protected]",
         "last_modified_at": "2019-08-19",
         "audience_size": 150000
         "id": 112582,
         "display_name": "First Party Audience - Display Name",
         "look_back_window": 365,
         "category": "NONE",
         "status": null,
         "type": null,
         "event_name": null,
         "condition": null,
         "exclude_from_campaigns": false,
         "description": null,
         "advertiser_id": "demo-account",
         "last_modified_by": null,
         "last_modified_at": null,
         "audience_size": 30000
   "metadata": {


Network Audiences

Returns all audiences that are available to the specified account - including audiences that were created by the network account.


My Audiences replaces Custom Audience Rules

  1. my_audiences replaces universal_pixel/custom_audience_rule.
  2. It returns the same audiences - e.g. pixel-based and CRM-based audiences- but uses different Audience IDs.
    1. To apply My Audiences Targeting, use the Audience IDs returned by my_audiences.
  3. In addition to the above, my_audiences also returns first-party audiences (created via audience_onbarding/create).