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Verify in Taboola Ads

Verify that the base pixel is active and that Taboola Ads is receiving the relevant events


Taboola pixel - End-to-end flow

  1. Add the base pixel.
  2. Add event pixels (or URL-based conversions).
  3. Verify your setup.
    1. Verify your web pages.
    2. Verify in Taboola Ads. 👈 (you are here)

Verify that the base pixel is active

Also applies to URL-based conversions.

  1. Open Taboola Ads, and select the account (top, right) that you are using to track conversions.

  2. Select the TRACKING tab (top).

  3. Confirm that the base pixel is active (i.e. Taboola is receiving data from the base pixel):

    Note the Last received status (on the second line).


Network Pixel

If you set up the base pixel using your network Account ID, the above label will read Network Pixel.

Verify that events were received

Applies to both event-based conversions and URL-based conversions.

  1. Open Taboola Ads, and select the account (top, right) that you are using to track conversions.
  2. Select the TRACKING tab (top).
  3. Under the Conversions tab, find the relevant conversion rule, and examine the Status, Last receivedandEvents received columns.

    Tip: You may need to scroll to the right. You can also re-position columns - or create a new preset with fewer columns.


Allow up to 1 hour for a conversion event to show in Taboola Ads.