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Taboola pixel

An overview of Taboola pixel basics.

What is a pixel?

A pixel is a small code snippet that tracks user actions and collects data - e.g. Taboola Pixel.

Why do I need Taboola Pixel?

Taboola Pixel is an essential tool for your campaign success. It gathers data about user actions on your site, so that Taboola can optimize your campaigns. It also allows you to track conversions, and target custom audiences.

What do I need to do?

To get the full benefit of Taboola Pixel, you need to:

  1. Add the Taboola base pixel.

    Even if you are not ready to set up conversions, add the base pixel now. This will allow Taboola to gather data about user behavior and optimize your campaigns.

  2. Add Taboola event pixels (or URL-based conversions).

    These are the specific conversions that you want to track.


URL-based conversions

URL-based conversions are triggered when a given URL is loaded.

They are set up in Taboola Ads only, and do not require an event pixel.


Offsite conversions

For conversions that occur off your website, see: S2S (Server to Server) tracking

How do I install Taboola pixel?

There are a number of ways to install the pixel on your web pages. In general, we recommend using GTM (Google Tag Manager).