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Add the base pixel in Google Tag Manager (using custom HTML)

Set up the base pixel in GTM (Google Tag Manager), using a code snippet from Taboola.


Taboola pixel - End-to-end flow

  1. Add the base pixel.
    • Add the base pixel to GTM using custom HTML. 👈 (you are here)
  2. Add event pixels (or URL-based conversions).
  3. Verify your setup.


To add the base pixel using custom HTML (no editing required), follow the guidelines below.


Advantages of using this flow

No editing required - just copy a ready-to-go code snippet from Realize.

For an overview of the available flows, see: The base pixel


Shopify store owners

For Shopify store owners, we recommend using the Taboola Shopify app.


Obtain the base pixel code snippet

  1. Open Realize, and select the account (top, left) that you will use to track conversions.

  2. In the sidebar (left), select Tracking.

  3. Click on Account Tracking Setup (top, right):

  4. Select Manually as the Setup Method, and click on Continue.

  5. Mouse over the code snippet and click on COPY TO CLIPBOARD.

  6. Leave Realize open and continue with the GTM setup below.


Open your GTM container

  1. Open Google Tag Manager.

    (You may be prompted to log in with Google.)

  2. Under Container Name (left), click on the relevant container.

    Note the Container ID ("GTM-XXXXXXXX") on the far right.

    You can change your selection later, by clicking in the top, left corner.

  3. Select a workspace (top, left), or just use the Default Workspace:


Containers & workspaces

Add the base pixel custom HTML

In your GTM dashboard:

  1. In the navigation panel (left), select Tags.

  2. Click on New (top, right):

  3. Click on the Tag Configuration card.

  4. Under Custom, select Custom HTML.

  5. Paste in the code snippet that you obtained from Realize (previous section).

  6. Click on the Triggering card.

  7. Select All Pages.

  8. Click on Save (top, right):

  9. When prompted, enter a descriptive name for the tag - e.g. Taboola Base Pixel.


At this stage, your changes are not live - you still need to publish them.

Preview your changes (optional)

Although, you have added the tag within GTM, your changes are not live yet - you still need to publish them.

You can optionally preview (test-drive) your changes before you publish them. If you prefer to publish your changes immediately, skip ahead to the next section.


The Publish action will publish all recent changes - including changes made by other team members within this GTM workspace.


When to use preview

  1. Other team members are making changes in the same GTM workspace.
  2. You want to confirm your setup before you publish it.
  3. You want to test why a tag is not working as expected.

In your GTM dashboard:

  1. Click on Preview (top, right).

  2. Enter the URL of the page where the customer journey begins (e.g. the landing page). Then click on Connect:

    1. The Tag Assistant is opened in a new tab.
    2. If the connection is successful, your webpage is opened in a separate window.
  3. Once a connection is made, click on Continue.

  4. Review the Output window to see which tags were fired:

  5. Click on the Close icon (top, left) to stop debugging:

  6. Once you are done with the Tag Assistant, close the browser tab.

Publish your changes


The Publish action will publish all recent changes - including changes made by other team members within this GTM workspace.

  1. Click on Submit (top. right).
  2. Review the Workspace Changes.

    This is the set of changes that will be deployed.

  3. (Optional) Enter the following fields:
    1. Version Name - e.g. "Taboola Base Pixel"
    2. Version Description - e.g. "Added the Taboola base pixel".

      The above fields can help when reviewing a history of changes to your GTM container.

  4. While you wait for GTM to publish your changes, sing like no one is listening :)
  5. Once published, a summary page appears.

What's next?

Well done - you have added the base pixel using GTM!



  1. Verify that the base pixel is running smoothly.
  2. Add event pixels

    and verify that they are running smoothly.

  3. Alternatively, add URL-based conversions.

    and verify that they are running smoothly.

Additional resources


Some basic terms

  • Taboola pixel - a Taboola code snippet that tracks user activity and gathers information about browsing behavior.
  • Tag - (aka marketing tag) a code snippet that collects data from your website - e.g. Taboola pixel.
  • Google Tag Manager (GTM) - used to manage (add, remove, disable) tags.
  • GTM container - A collection of tag definitions in GTM.
  • GTM container code - A code snippet on your web page that injects all tags in your GTM container.


GTM basics