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Verify with our Chrome extension

Use the Taboola Chrome extension to verify that pixels are fired.


Taboola pixel - End-to-end flow

  1. Add the base pixel.
  2. Add event pixels (or URL-based conversions).
  3. Verify your setup.
    1. Verify your web pages with our Chrome extension. 👈 (you are here)
    2. Verify in Taboola Ads.


Intended audience

This flow is suitable for both technical and non-technical users.

For an overview of the availble flows, see: Verify your web pages


After installing Taboola pixel, it's good practice to verify that everything is working smoothly. This page describes a convenient way to check which Taboola pixels are fired on your web pages.

Install the extension

  1. Install the Taboola Pixel Helper extension from the Chrome Web Store.

  2. Make sure that the Taboola Pixel Helper is visible (to the right of the address bar).

    If it is not showing, click on extensions and pin it .



Incognito window

Sometimes, it can be useful to test in an incognito window. See Tips & techniques (below).

  1. Browse to your landing page and move through the various stages of your conversion funnel.
  2. At each stage of the funnel, check the Taboola Pixel Helper extension:
    1. Note the event count in the browser toolbar.


    2. Verify that the expected events were fired:

      For the base pixel, verify that the page_view event is fired.
      For event pixels, verify that the specific events are fired.

    3. Make sure no errors or warnings are shown.

      See: Icons and Status messages (below)

  3. Everything looks in order? You can now verify that the events are received in Taboola Ads.


The Taboola Pixel Helper extension uses the following status icons:

OKThe pixel fired successfully.
ErrorAn error occurred.
WarningAn issue was detected, that might require corrective action.
InformationalDepending on the context, this might require corrective action.

A common pitfall


Switching tabs

  1. If you switch back and forth between tabs, the Taboola Pixel Helper extension may stop showing events for the current page.
  2. In that case, close and reopen the tab:

    Cmd + W and Cmd + Shift + T on a Mac
    Ctrl + W and Ctrl + Shift + T on Windows

Status messages

If you encountered issues while testing, look for the relevant message below.

No pixel found

Type: Informational



  1. Confirm that you installed the base pixel on this page.

    If your are using GTM, confirm that the relevant GTM container code exists on this page.
    Note: the same GTM container tag must be present on all pages within your funnel - e.g. both your landing page and your website pages.

  2. If the base pixel is installed on the page, close and reopen the tab.

    The Taboola Pixel Helper extension should now display the page load event.

Invalid Account ID

Type: Error



Make sure you entered the Account ID for the correct account (i.e. the account that you are using to track conversions).

See: Your Account ID

Taboola pixel was found, but nothing was fired

Type: Warning



  1. This is often a quirk with the Taboola Pixel Helper extension - i.e. not an issue with your page.
  2. To confirm this, close and reopen the current tab:

    Cmd + W and Cmd + Shift + T on a Mac
    Ctrl + W and Ctrl + Shift + T on Windows


Additional troubleshooting

If the issue persists:

  1. Test in an incognito window (to ensure that an ad blocker is not interfering).
  2. Verify with Chrome DevTools.


Technical note

The tfa object was loaded, but a page_view event was not detected by the Taboola Pixel Helper extension.

Pixel activated multiple times

Type: Error



Check with your developer that the trigger has been set up correctly, and is firing once per event.

Pixel took too long to load

Type: Warning



This warning indicates that the page_view event took 3 seconds or more to fire.



Make sure that you inserted the base pixel code in the <head> section of the page, as high as possible.

If you are using GTM. make sure that the GTM container code is in the <head> section of the page, as high as possible.

Tips & techniques

Incognito window

Sometimes, it can be useful to test your conversion funnel within an incognito window:

  1. Right-click on the Taboola Pixel Helper and select Manage Extension.

  2. Check the Allow in Incognito option:

  3. Open your landing page in an incognito window.