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Verify with Chrome DevTools

Inspect network traffic to verify that your web pages are firing pixels.


Taboola pixel - End-to-end flow

  1. Add the base pixel.
  2. Add event pixels (or URL-based conversions).
  3. Verify your setup.
    1. Verify your web pages with Chrome DevTools. 👈 (you are here)
    2. Verify in Taboola Ads.


Intended audience

This flow requires some technical knowledge.

For an overview of the availble flows, see: Verify your web pages


Occasionally, you may encounter problems with the Chrome extension. Or you may need to dig deeper in order to troubleshoot a specific problem.

This page describes some more advanced troubleshooting methods. Although this flow requires some technical knowledge, it also provides the most accurate results.

The Network tab

Verify the base pixel

To verify that the base pixel is making a network call:

  1. Browse to the relevant page in your conversion funnel.

  2. Open Chrome DevTools.

    Cmd + Option + I (Mac)

    Ctrl + Shift + I (Windows)

  3. In the DevTools panel, select the Network tab:

  4. Type "tfa.js" in the Filter box. Then reload the page to capture all traffic:

    (Cmd + R or F5)

  1. Verify that tfa.js is present, and select it:

    In the Headers panel (right), note the account-specific Request URL.

  1. If you followed the steps successfully, the base pixel is working. You can now verify in Taboola Ads.

Verify event pixels

  1. Browse to the relevant page in your conversion funnel.

  2. Open Chrome DevTools.

    Cmd + Option + I (Mac)

    Ctrl + Shift + I (Windows)

  3. In the DevTools panel, select the Network tab:

  4. Type unip? in the Filter box. Then reload the page to capture all traffic:

    (Cmd + R or F5)

  1. If necessary, perform the relevant on-page actions to trigger the event.
  2. Under the Network tab, look for aunip? entry with an enparam and the name of your event.

    In the above example, the event name is product_view_http.


Pro tip: Preserve log

Occasionally, the the page you are testing may reload or redirect before you are able to observe the network traffic. In that case, check the Preserve log option (top), before testing.

With this option enabled, the Network tab will store a record of traffic accross all pages visited. If the log gets cluttered, click on the Clear network log icon (top, left) to clear the list.


The en (event name) param

Note that the en (event name) param might appear later in the string.

For example, if your event name is complete_registration, look for an entry similar to the following:



You can ignore other unip? entries - these are used internally by Taboola.

(For example, en=pre_d_eng_tbis an engagement event, fired by Taboola.)

  1. If you followed the steps successfully, your event pixel is working. You can now verify in Taboola Ads.