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S2S Manual Integration

Server-to-server conversion tracking - manual integration.


This topic describes how to set up S2S (server-to-server) conversion tracking manually.


Intended audience

This flow requires some technical knowledge.


Custom development

Custom development is required (in order to pass the event to Taboola).



If you are using a MMP (Mobile Measurement Partner) to track your app conversions, see the following Help Center resources:


Create an event-based conversion rule


The instructions below illustrate how to track an app Install conversion.

Similar steps can be taken for other conversions - e.g. in-app events.

For an alternative use case - tracking CRM-based conversions - see the Help Center.

  1. Open Realize, and select the account (top, right) that you will use to track this conversion.

  2. In the sidebar (left), select Tracking.

  3. Click on + CREATE (far right) and select Conversion.

    For some accounts, this button is labelled + New Conversion.

  4. Type in a Conversion Name of your choice - e.g. App install.

    This is a descriptive name for your convenience. It is not used for matching purposes.

  5. For Conversion Type, select EVENT:

  6. (Optional) If relevant, fill in a Fixed Value.

    Tip: If the event returns a dynamic value, leave this field blank. For additional guidelines, see the Help Center.

  7. Scroll through the list of categories provided and select the relevant Category - e.g. App Install.

  8. (Optional) If desired, edit the Event Name. For example, you might prefer the name install, in place of app_install.


    You will need to pass the event name - exactly as entered here - via the postback URL.
    If the naming convention is not identical, Taboola will not receive the event.

  9. (Optional) If desired, edit the following fields:

    1. Click Through Conversion Window
    2. View Through Conversion Window
  10. (Optional) If relevant, clear the Include in total conversions checkbox.

    Tip: Always include the most important conversions, so that the Taboola algorithm will optimize towards them. For additional guidelines, see the Help Center.

  11. (Optional) If relevant, clear the Include in total value checkbox.

  12. (Optional) If desired, edit the following fields:

    1. Audience Properties
    2. Aggregation Type
  13. Skip the Event Code section.

    (You will post the event values to Taboola via the Postback URL.)

  14. Review your chosen settings, and click on Create (bottom, right):

Add the Click ID macro

Add the Click ID macro to your campaign:

  1. Open Realize, and select the account (top, right) that is running the campaign.

  2. Locate the relevant campaign and click on the Edit Campaign icon:

  3. Within the campaign settings, scroll down to the </> Tracking section.

  4. Append the following snippet to the existing query string:



    Original string: utm_source=taboola&utm_medium=referral
    Updated string:utm_source=taboola&utm_medium=referral&click_id={click_id}



    Enter the value on the right exactly as shown above: {click_id}



    You can edit the param name on the left - but make sure your web page uses the identical name.


    If you append &tbl_click_id={click_id}, then your web page must look for a param called tbl_click_id.

  5. Click on Save (bottom, right):


The Click ID

When your ad displays, the Click ID macro generates an actual Click ID value.

This is a case-sensitive string of 66 or more characters - e.g.:


Pass the event data to Taboola


Now that you have defined an event-based conversion - and added the Click ID macro to your campaign - you need some way to pass the event data to Taboola.

2 methods are supported:

  1. The postback URL
  2. Bulk submit conversions

For an overview of the end-to-end flow, refer to the next section.

End-to-end flow

  1. You append the Click ID macro in Realize (previous section):
  2. When your ad displays, an actual Click ID value is appended to the target URL:
  3. Your landing page looks for the relevant param (click_id) and grabs the value (a1b2c3d4e5f6).
  4. Your server is responsible to pass the event data to Taboola. 2 methods are supported:
    1. The postback URL

      For each conversion, invoke the postback URL. Use query params (e.g. click_id) to pass the event data for that conversion.

    2. Bulk submit conversions

      Pass a JSON object with event data (e.g. click_id) for multiple conversions.

The sections that follow describe the postback URL and bulk submission flows.