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Server to Server (S2S) conversion tracking allows you to track post-click conversions that occur off your website. (Since the event is not on your website, it's not possible for Taboola Pixel to record it.)

Common scenarios include:

  • Tracking app installs.
  • Tracking post install events - e.g. in-app signups and purchases.
  • Tracking events recorded by your CRM.

Server to Server tracking has an additional advantage - if the Taboola server is unavailable to receive an update, the sending server can try again later.

Just like pixel-based tracking, server-to-server tracking helps you gather important insights about user actions in your app or site. It gives you the ability to measure your campaign impact and return on spend - and to optimize your campaign accordingly.


A 2-step flow

When conversions occur off your website, carry out this 2-step flow:

  1. Add the the base pixel to your website.

    This will allow Taboola to gather data about user behavior and optimize your campaigns.

  2. Use S2S (Server to Server) tracking to track the conversions.

    (covered in this section)



If you are using a MMP (Mobile Measurement Partner) to track your app conversions, see the following Help Center resources:


Where can I run reports?

Server-to-sever conversions are similar to pixel-based conversions (but work with event-based conversions only).

Both conversion types can be used under the same Taboola account, and both appear in the same Taboola Ads reports.


Some limitations

  1. No engagement data is collected (retargeting.limitation).
  2. Attentive audiences are not supported (audience limitation).