Community Discussion
To generate an Acess Token in token endpoint
Hi there,
I'm trying to generate an Acess Token in token endpoint following this guideline
But I didn't seem to be able to get into the endpoint <>
as it requires a Taboola backstage login - I wondered if this login is something advertisers can request and if so, how?
Many thanks,
Posted by Joey over 1 year ago
Dear Taboola support team,
currently we are working on an app where a user can connect to his Taboola account via the Taboola Backstage API. We are planning on using the Authorization Code Flow for authentication.
We have the following question, since this isn't entirely clear from your Docs:
Should the client credentials (client ID and client secret) be set by the user or system wide? So, should every user of our app get his client credentials from Taboola and enter them when setting up the integration, or should we get one set of client credentials that will be used by very user of our app?
Regards, Burk
Posted by Burk about 2 years ago
Client ID and Client Secret from your Taboola contac
I try to connect my account to power my analytics, i need Client ID and Client Secret. Where can I find it?
Posted by Igor Fostenko over 2 years ago
Account is disabled error
we keep getting an error from an api call of account [email protected] is disabled.
Our client-id and Client-secret have been regenerated but somehow we still see this error.
the call we are making is to : url = ""
such as is in here:
and all the params we are passing don't include the mentioned user-name we see in the error.
What can we do ?
Posted by Alon Iz over 2 years ago
Trying to get my access Token via Password Credentials flow but receive error "false"
As stated in the topic, I am trying to get the access token that will allow me to manipulate the Backstage API but when trying the Password Credentials flow I am receiving the error "False".
Here is the function to fetch the token:
const credentials = {
this is where my credentials are registered
function fetchTaboolaAccessToken() {
const options = {};
options.method = 'post';
options.headers = {
'Content-Type': '"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"'
options.body = {
client_id: credentials.client_id,
client_secret: credentials.client_secret,
username: credentials.username,
password: credentials.password,
grant_type: 'password'
const result = fetchUrl('', options)
console.log("Result", result);
Can someone tell me what is wrong in my function for this error to be logged ?
Posted by Alexandre Macrel over 3 years ago