Community Discussion
Placement Null in API
by_referral_and_tracking_code URL - {'http_status': 403, 'message': 'Requested action is forbidden', 'message_code': 'api.action.forbidden'}
Was an update made to the publisher API? My script all of a sudden stopped working and the only error code I got was api action forbidden.
I didn't see any announcement regarding this change.
How can I get a report of revenue by advertiser and revenue by 'ad in widget'?
In order to make better decisions the following information will be helpful, is there a way to get:
Is there a way to get visit value reporting (aka native and native-video revenue) by custom tracking code by hour?
Is there a way to get visit value reporting (aka native and native-video revenue) by custom tracking code by hour?
How can I pagination and/or filtering of advertiser reports?
How can I pagination and/or filter the advertiser reports?
{"http_status":403,"message":"Requested action is forbidden","message_code":"api.action.forbidden"}
Revenue day_site_placement_country_platform_breakdown report returns double reveue
(no campaign) in Visit Value report by campaign
When we pull the Visit Value report via API at endpoint '/reports/visit-value/dimensions/by_campaign' we get one row of data with campaign listed as "(no campaign)". Looking in our reporting interface we have campaigns with names listed for the same timeframe. Is there something separate we need to set up to get our campaigns to be listed in this report via API? Or something else we're missing?
Publisher Reporting API Limitations
Hi there,
Reporting Placement Question
Are special characters scrubbed if passed into the placement variable?