Community Discussion
How Can I duplicate campaigns to other countries at different bid?
lets say I have 2 campaigns, camp1 + camp2
i want to duplicate those campaigns and add [UK]
to the camp name so it will be camp1
, camp2
[UK]and have them with different bid
how can i duplicate them and have this name change and different country and bid throw API?
its about 700 campaigns
Posted by Nathan over 1 year ago
Integrated campaigns
Right now we have to create and maintain separate campaigns for desktop, mobile, etc.
Wouldn't it make sense to have that integrated into one campaign? It shouldn't be hard to have a single UI that allows us to specify bidding etc. for desktop, then mobile, etc.
Ditto targeting. That could also be segmented within a single campaign.
Requiring users to create physically separate campaigns for platforms and targeting doubles, triples, quadruples our workload. It really makes no sense and is a brute-force approach to something that could be integrated into a single campaign management UI.
Posted by RBL over 2 years ago
"duplicate_settings" parameter not working in "Duplicate a Campaign" API
In replication settings the parameter duplicate_settings.include_blocked_publishers is not working.
I duplicated a campaign using the duplicate_settings parameter and set include_blocked_publishers as False. The created campaign still has blocked publishers from the original campaign. On another campaign the parameter worked as expected
Are there any conditions/factors that affect this parameter ?
Please let me know if you need any more information
Posted by Shubham A over 2 years ago
Duplicate campaign on network level
Our AM said that we can duplicate campaigns in network account level from one account to another and that will allow them to be approved immediately.
My question is - how can we duplicate campaigns through API within the network level instead of within a specific account?
We use the instructions that written in the API docs and if we use the network account instead of the campaign account we get "Resource not found" error.
Posted by Or Brand almost 3 years ago
Campaign creation with advertiser ID?
We are looking to create campaigns via the API and have run into an issue with the API documentation.
We would like to be able to set the advertiser ID for the campaign during the creation process, but there appears to be no field listed for it.
The call would be to but I suspect we have to use our main account ID in that URL. then later provide the advertiser ID that lives within our account?
It would be awesome if the documentation could be updated at some point to mention things like this, as there are a lot of blind spots in what it covers.
Under "Campaign Fields" there is advertiser_id but it is listed as read-only.
Also, is there an API call that will return all advertiser IDs for an account?
Posted by Chris Ellerby over 3 years ago
Duplicate campaign with new creative
I would like to know if it is possible to duplicate a campaign with a brand new creative (Img, Title, URL)?
Thanks in advance.
Posted by Guy Horowitz almost 4 years ago