Community Discussion
Campaign Settings Days and Hours Fields
Dear Team,
I was wondering if it is possible to access the fields that hold the campaign settings in the UI under "Schedule > Days and Hours > Specific days and hours via the API (the new interface in testing)?
Posted by Daniel SKultety almost 4 years ago
Continuation Budget Types 3
Hi Pete,
yes we want to request the value / update the right variable regardless of what options have been selected in the campaign setup: daily budget / monthly budget / lifetime budget.
Unfortunately due to connectivity problems I was not able to provide a screenshot and this Forum messaging feature eliminates spaces and squeezes the words to the wright.
What I mean:
When within Budget and Bidding of the new UI User Interface for the Campaign Setup the user chooses the budget daily:
the variable for this budget is daily_cap
the daily_ad_delivery_model is STRICT
When the user chooses the budget type monthly:
the variable for this budget is spending_limit
the daily_ad_delivery_model is BALANCED
the spending_limit_model is MONTHLY
When the user chooses the budget type lifetime:
the variable for this budget is spending_limit
the daily_ad_delivery_model is BALANCED
the spending_limit_model is ENTIRE
is that correct?
Many thanks
Btw. I am really not able to answer on the forum on existing threads, I really think you should raise a ticket or look into it. What exactly happens is that the "Post Question" Button is not responding. I am able to perfectly browse the internet otherwise even taboola backstage opens within fractions of a second.
All the best,
Posted by Daniel Skultety about 4 years ago