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Query each site spent in the last seven days against campaign_id and site

i always get 400. Here's my code. Please help me improve it. Please ```Text python import requests from datetime import datetime, timedelta # ć…šć±€ć˜é‡ client_id = 'xxx' client_secret = 'xxx' access_token = "xxx" account_id = "xxx-sc" campaign_id = "xxx" base_url = "" headers = { "Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}" } def get_access_token(client_id, client_secret): url = '' payload = { 'client_id': client_id, 'client_secret': client_secret, 'grant_type': 'client_credentials' } headers = {"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"} response =, data=payload, headers=headers) return response.json()['access_token'] def get_campaign_details(account_id, campaign_id): url = f"{base_url}{account_id}/campaigns/{campaign_id}/" response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 200: return response.json() else: print("Error fetching campaign details:", response.status_code) return None def get_campaign_summary(account_id, campaign_id, start_date, end_date, site): url = f"{base_url}{account_id}/reports/campaign-summary/dimensions/day" params = { "start_date": start_date, "end_date": end_date, "campaign": campaign_id, "site": site } response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params) if response.status_code == 200: return response.json() else: print("Error fetching campaign summary:", response.status_code) return None def main(): # access_token = get_access_token(client_id, client_secret) # print(access_token) campaign_details = get_campaign_details(account_id, campaign_id) if campaign_details and 'publisher_targeting' in campaign_details: sites = campaign_details['publisher_targeting'] if sites: end_date = start_date = end_date - timedelta(days=7) site_spent = [] for site in sites: summary = get_campaign_summary(account_id, campaign_id, start_date, end_date, site) if summary: total_spent = sum(item['spent'] for item in summary['results']) site_spent.append((site, total_spent)) site_spent.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) print("Top 10 sites by spent:") for site, spent in site_spent[:10]: print(f"Site: {site}, Spent: {spent}") if __name__ == "__main__": main() ```

Not able to aceess placement data.

I am getting below error when i try to get the placement data. Please check once and help me. ERROR: Invalid response. Array ( [url] => <> [code] => 403 [response] => {"http_status":403,"message":"Requested action is forbidden","message_code":"api.action.forbidden"} ) Thanks

Campaign budget type missing in API response

Hello, is there any way to get the budget type along with the budget value from the API? At the moment all we can see is that the budget value is being reported under the "daily_cap", but there is no flag that indicates if this budget is "Daily", "Monthly" or "Entire Campaign". Is this information available? Thank you for your help.

Client ID & Client Secret

Hallo, I would like to get Client IT und Client Secret for our account 1398182 LK Regionmarketing Carinthia. How can i do this? Thanks, Yana

403 error when creating campaign

Good Morning I am trying to create a campaign with a POST call with the following url: <> with the following parameters: **{ "name": "PMO_voi_article_mobile_android_flux_tag_famille_test_dupli_auto", "branding_text": "Voici", "tracking_code": "utm_source=taboola&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=PMO_voi_article_mobile_android_flux_tag_famille_test_dupli_auto_1&utm_term={campaign_id}|{site}|{campaign_item_id}", "cpc": 0.01, "daily_cap": 20, "daily_ad_delivery_model": "STRICT", "spending_limit": null, "spending_limit_model": "NONE", "cpa_goal": 0, "min_expected_conversions_for_cpa_goal": null, "country_targeting": { "type": "INCLUDE", "value": [ "BE", "FR", "CH", "CA" ], "href": null }, "sub_country_targeting": { "type": "ALL", "value": \[], "href": null }, "dma_country_targeting": { "type": "ALL", "value": \[], "href": null }, "region_country_targeting": { "type": "ALL", "value": \[], "href": null }, "city_targeting": { "type": "ALL", "value": \[], "href": null }, "contextual_targeting": { "type": "ALL", "value": \[], "href": null }, "platform_targeting": { "type": "INCLUDE", "value": [ "PHON", "TBLT" ], "href": null }, "publisher_targeting": { "type": "EXCLUDE", "value": [ "ladpche-web", "midi-libre-web" ], "href": null }, "auto_publisher_targeting": { "type": "ALL", "value": \[], "href": null }, "os_targeting": { "type": "INCLUDE", "value": \[ { "os_family": "Android", "sub_categories": \[] } ], "href": null }, "connection_type_targeting": { "type": "ALL", "value": \[], "href": null }, "campaign_profile": null, "comments": "", "bid_type": "FIXED", "bid_strategy": "FIXED", "traffic_allocation_mode": "OPTIMIZED", "external_brand_safety": { "type": "NONE", "values": \[] }, "campaign_groups": null, "target_cpa": null, "conversion_rules": { "rules": \[] }, "funnel_template": null, "traffic_allocation_ab_test_end_date": null, "approval_state": "APPROVED", "is_active": true, "contextual_segments_targeting": { "state": "ALL", "value": null, "href": "https\:\\\/\\\/\\\/backstage\\\/api\\\/1.0\\\/prisma-voici-sc\\\/campaigns\\\/30742854\\\/targeting\\\/contextual_segments" }, "custom_contextual_targeting": { "state": "ALL", "value": null, "href": "https\:\\\/\\\/\\\/backstage\\\/api\\\/1.0\\\/prisma-voici-sc\\\/campaigns\\\/30742854\\\/targeting\\\/custom_contextual_segments" }, "custom_audience_targeting": { "state": "ALL", "value": null, "href": "https\:\\\/\\\/\\\/backstage\\\/api\\\/1.0\\\/prisma-voici-sc\\\/campaigns\\\/30742854\\\/targeting\\\/custom_audience" }, "segments_targeting": { "AGE": { "type": "ALL", "value": \[], "href": "https\:\\\/\\\/\\\/backstage\\\/api\\\/1.0\\\/prisma-voici-sc\\\/campaigns\\\/30742854\\\/targeting\\\/age_segments" }, "GENDER": { "type": "ALL", "value": \[], "href": "https\:\\\/\\\/\\\/backstage\\\/api\\\/1.0\\\/prisma-voici-sc\\\/campaigns\\\/30742854\\\/targeting\\\/gender_segments" } }, "segments_multi_targeting": null, "marketing_objective": "DRIVE_WEBSITE_TRAFFIC", "verification_pixel": null, "viewability_tag": null, "activity_schedule": { "mode": "ALWAYS", "rules": \[], "time_zone": "Europe\\\/Paris" }, "browser_targeting": { "type": "ALL", "value": \[], "href": null }, "type": "PAID", "is_spend_guard_active": "ACTIVE" }** and i am always having this error: **Erreur : {"http_status":403,"message":"Requested action is forbidden","message_code":"api.action.forbidden"}** i am using a user id provider for my account and our liaison in Taboola confirs that the user have the editing campaign rights Thank you **Bouraoui Mejri Prima Media IT development department**

Top Campaign Content Report for current day

We have a system in place that runs the `reports/top-campaign-content/dimensions/item_breakdown?start_date={date}&end_date={date}` each day at 13:00 UTC and we pass the previous days date. We've expanded this recently in an attempt to bring in today's data incrementally but it seems like the API does not return data when we pass in today's date. Is there a way to get the data this report offers for the _current day_? I see that the Campaign Summary Report has a mention of timestamps being supported when using the hourly dimension. Is there such a thing for this endpoint/report? Thanks in advance.

Error when trying to create an item in campaign

Hi, I'm trying to create an item in an existing campaign, and I keep getting the following error: { "http_status": 404, "message": "Resource not found", "message_code": "api.action.resource_not_found" } the post request is sent to the following : <${account_id}/campaigns/${account_id}/items/> according to the documentation in this link: <> both the campaign and the account are valid, Do you have any Idea what can be the problem? Thanks

campaign_hour_breakdown seems 23rd/0th hour issue

Hi, I am using campaign_hour_breakdown dimension for campaign/date/hour metrics. But it seems the metrics between 23rd hour one one day to 0th hour of next day is attributing to 0th hour of next day. But since those metrics are from 23rd to 0th of first day it should be there. Because of this if we take daily counts from Portal and sum campaign_hour_breakdown metrics to date level, it is not matching Is there any fix to resolve it.

Taboola Access Token invalid 401

When I request a new access token, I always get the same access token. It never returns a new one. Even after days and this access token is invalid, except for 1 request. All the other requests return 401 ==== How I request the access token: encodedParams.set('client_id', process.env.TABOOLA_CLIENT_ID); encodedParams.set('client_secret', process.env.TABOOLA_CLIENT_SECRET); encodedParams.set('grant_type', 'client_credentials'); const url = '<'>; const options = { method: 'POST', headers: {'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}, body: encodedParams }; ==== Response I get, same token even after days { access_token: 'same_access_token', token_type: 'bearer', expires_in: 43199 } ==== Only that request is working, but it is returning old data. New campaigns aren't returned. Just adding ?fetch_level=R to the url, returns 401 const accountId = process.env.TABOOLA_ACCOUNT_ID const accessToken = process.env.TABOOLA_ACCESS_TOKEN // I console logged this the taboola account id and the access token and they are correct const url = `${accountId}/campaigns/`; const options = { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + accessToken, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } };