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Tracking code update for a campaign

Hi, I just want to know if we can change tracking code parameters like utm_campign for a campaign

How can I know why my conversion was not recorded in the event

i just send the same question to you([[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])) <br />

Custom Audiences (create,add,remove) - via API

HI all, I create an Audience using this API: <> I check that it created using API and the system, I used this API and got the response: <> I tried to add user to using this API: <> I got the 200 OK response but when I called the get My Audience api again I still see that audience_size is still 0 here is the body of the request I am sending to add user: { "operation": "ADD", "audience_id": 30489271, "identities": \[ { "cluster": [ { "user_id": "614c0ecf4ccac0d6b4141459ab005f9ac1de67158ad60c0b01b23774f5152bd2", "type": "EMAIL_ID", "is_hashed": true } ] } ] } <br> I would love to get you help Thanks Doron

Retraction Feature in Taboola

Hi, We are uploading clicks/revenue using the Postback(S2S) URL To Taboola Platform. At times we see that some wrong values got upload, which we want to retract or correct. Is there any retraction process for Taboola Postback URL. Can you please redirect to any document on it. If there is no, where can I add this feature request.

Custom Audiences (create,add,remove) - via API

Hey guys, I have a question in regards to custom audiences (create, add, remove actions) via API. I have a list of emails that I want to exclude from an existing custom audience list, Could you please assist ? Thanks, Kosta

Video campaign report

I would like to ask if it is normal to get the response below when calling the video campaign summary endpoint when there are no existing video campaign, or are there specific permissions that are required. { "http_status": 403, "message": "Requested action is forbidden", "message_code": "api.action.forbidden" } Thank you in advance

Redirect URI

Hi, We are integrating with Taboola API and enabling Oauth through the "Authorization Code Flow". We already received the client id and secret but the redirect urls have not been registered yet. I already requested the redirect URIs to be added via support but have yet to receive any updates. Is there anything else that needs to be made? Reference case: 00704987 Thank you in advance.

is there any way to upload offline conversion data to this platform

In <> , I was only knows what conversion rules create or update ,but not get how to update conversion data! Can you help me solve this problem?

Real Time Report - Site By Campaign

Is there a way to obtain real-time data for campaign sites? In the 'Campaign Summary Report,' there is a dimension called 'campaign_site_day_breakdown' to obtain site reports by campaign. Is there a method to acquire this data in real-time? I notice that in the real-time campaign report, there is an option to obtain it 'by site,' but it is not by campaign.

campaign updated_time

hi, I am currently exploring the Taboola API for integration into our system and would like to inquire about the presence of an updated_time field for campaign in the API. Similar to some other APIs, we often use this field to track the last update time of records. Could you please confirm whether Taboola's API includes an updated_time field for campaign, and if so, could you provide details on how it functions?