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Important: Associating different URL from API

Hello guys. Today, I'm using a Google Sheet Script to get my data from my campaigns. But I'm facing a problem... On my code (by the way, I can't code), I'm only fetching data from "<"+ACCOUNT_ID+"/reports/campaign-summary/dimensions/campaign_day_breakdown?start_date=2023-05-01&end_date=2023-06-03";>" But I really want to fetch more data, using other URL's from the API like: /backstage/api/1.0/demo-advertiser-1/universal_pixel/conversion_rule (conversion rules) or whatever data from any other URL. And of course, my main problem is: how can I associate the data between 2 or more API calls (URL's), so the data matches the right columns and ID's? My code (it's a private link, just send a request and I'll accept it): <>

URGENT - Taboola not sending correct data through API?

Hello guys. I am currently using the API. I've connected everything ok, like client id and secret. It ran everything fine, with the exception that my data starts on 8th may and ends 15th may.... And NO, my data 'filter' is getting the whole month, but it's not "grabbing" the data. So, to summarize: The API is only recognizing the data until 20th (even if it's blank), but anything else other than this. This is the May 20th. It's the max date that the API grabbed, but without data. And I'm running ads non-stop since march. (This is the same for all days with the exception of 08-15 of May) "last-used-rawdata-update-time": "2023-06-02 13:00:00.0", "last-used-rawdata-update-time-gmt-millisec": 1685721600000, "timezone": "BRT", "results": \[ { "date": "2023-05-20 00:00:00.0", "date_end_period": "2023-05-20 00:00:00.0", "clicks": 0, "impressions": 0, "visible_impressions": 0, "spent": 0.00, "conversions_value": 0.00, "roas": 0.00, "ctr": 0E-18, "vctr": 0E-18, "cpm": 0.00, "vcpm": 0.00, "cpc": 0.000, "campaigns_num": 25, "cpa": 0.000, "cpa_clicks": 0.000, "cpa_views": 0.000, "cpa_actions_num": 0, "cpa_actions_num_from_clicks": 0, "cpa_actions_num_from_views": 0, "cpa_conversion_rate": 0E-18, "cpa_conversion_rate_clicks": 0E-18, "cpa_conversion_rate_views": 0E-18, "currency": "BRL" },

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Intelligence - Creating a Taboola API Data Stream

Does anyone have any experience with Marketing Cloud Intelligence by Salesforce? I was given API permissions and was able to create a data stream to ingest the data from the Taboola account. However, I was only able to see one of the accounts. There should be two accounts (one being a video account) in this Taboola instance but I'm unable to see it when I create the data stream.

Response results containing multiple empty objects

Recently I experienced an issue with a response from the `reports/top-campaign-content` endpoint where the results were an array of empty objects. I reran the API call again and resulted in the same result. After some time, I ran it again and the results were normal. ``` { "last-used-rawdata-update-time": "2023-05-26 14:00:00.0", "last-used-rawdata-update-time-gmt-millisec": 1685106000000, "timezone": "BST", "results": [ {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} ], "recordCount": 11, "metadata": { "total": 11, "count": 11, "start_date": "2023-05-19T00:00:00UTC", "end_date": "2023-05-26T00:00:00UTC" } } ``` Is this format something that is to be expected? Has anyone experienced this and have any reasons as to what caused it? Thanks in advance.

Revenue Summary Report - Visibility Metrics From API

Hi, unfortunately I do not see any option to get the below metrics from API. Can you please let me know when you are going to add them to API? ![](

Where I can get a new client ID and client secret as I reset my password?

Our API is failing now as we had reset the password of the account. Please suggest a fix urgently.

Looking for option to create campaigns in bulk?

Is there any tool readily available to upload campaigns in bulk, like Google ads has "Adwords editor" tool where campaigns can be uploaded in bulk through CSV or excel?

I cannot get a report with multiple conversions

Hi Taboola team, We have a campaign that links to a landing page. The landing page links then to multiple websites where conversions happen. To track these conversions, each destination page sends an S2S postback to Taboola. For each destination page, we want to have a dedicated conversion rule. We do it to see how many conversions come from each destination page. For testing purposes, I created two dedicated conversion rules. In the Taboola UI, we can see the conversions per conversion rule, which is what we want. Unfortunately, I am unable to replicate it via the API. As far as I understand the documentation, we should use the `include_multi_conversions=true` parameter. However, it does not add the `dynamic_fields` field to the results set. Here is the URL we use: [{{ACCOUNT_ID}}/reports/campaign-summary/dimensions/campaign_hour_breakdown?start_date=2023-05-11&end_date=2023-05-12&include_multi_conversions=true&campaign={{CAMPAIGN_ID}}]({{ACCOUNT) Do you see any problem with the setup mentioned above? What is the proper way of achieving what we need? Thank you!