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Looking for option to create campaigns in bulk?

Is there any tool readily available to upload campaigns in bulk, like Google ads has "Adwords editor" tool where campaigns can be uploaded in bulk through CSV or excel?

I cannot get a report with multiple conversions

Hi Taboola team, We have a campaign that links to a landing page. The landing page links then to multiple websites where conversions happen. To track these conversions, each destination page sends an S2S postback to Taboola. For each destination page, we want to have a dedicated conversion rule. We do it to see how many conversions come from each destination page. For testing purposes, I created two dedicated conversion rules. In the Taboola UI, we can see the conversions per conversion rule, which is what we want. Unfortunately, I am unable to replicate it via the API. As far as I understand the documentation, we should use the `include_multi_conversions=true` parameter. However, it does not add the `dynamic_fields` field to the results set. Here is the URL we use: [{{ACCOUNT_ID}}/reports/campaign-summary/dimensions/campaign_hour_breakdown?start_date=2023-05-11&end_date=2023-05-12&include_multi_conversions=true&campaign={{CAMPAIGN_ID}}]({{ACCOUNT) Do you see any problem with the setup mentioned above? What is the proper way of achieving what we need? Thank you!

Was Taboola's click ID parameter changed?

This is Taboola's token/macro for the click ID : {click_id} And this works fine, since we correctly get the click ID. For the postback, to pass conversions back to Taboola, we're using the following: click-id Is this parameter (click-id) correct? We get a successful response when posting conversions to Taboola, but some users are complaining that conversions are not showing up on Taboola. Can you please confirm. Thanks!

Disable Auto load of image/headline in campaignItem creation while using backstage api

On taboola UI there is a feature to "Load image and headline from the landing page URL" when you create a campaign Item and enter a url. In the campaign item creation flow on backstage api there is no such option available and the feature seems to be enabled by default. Furthermore there is no documentation regarding this in the api reference. <> <> <> <> Please provide option to enable/disable this feature and update the documentation

Looking for `Group` and `Contained_Account` Information via API

Hi Team, I am trying to retrieve a list of Groups and Contained_Accounts via API but it does not seem to be returned. Based on previous API calls, I thought this information would be returned from the below endpoint: ``` '' ``` Can you confirm if this information is returned from the above endpoint and if it was deprecated in the past?

Issue with Taboola API - "Resource Not Found" Error

I'm encountering a "Resource not found" error with the Taboola API. I've double-checked my credentials, campaign ID, and API endpoints, but the issue persists. Any guidance or assistance would be appreciated. Error Message: {"http_status":404,"message":"Resource not found","message_code":"api.action.resource_not_found"}

Taboola Ad object inquiries

Hi Team, Can you help me answer the following questions? 1. Is Taboola's data structure the following: Account > Campaign > Ad? Is there a group level/object between Campaign and Ad? 2. Does Taboola track ad placements? If yes, is there an endpoint that references placements? 3. Is the Campaign Summary Report the correct endpoint to use for retrieving performance data? Thank you in advance for your help!