Community Discussion
Authentication for API development requirements
I am starting development of a daily backend service to run the campaign summaries api. I'm having a little trouble following the 4 authentication types and use cases. It sounds like the Client Authentication flow is what is preferred, but it only generates a 12 hour token for us meaning we would have to grab a new token everytime the application runs.
Taboola to Google Sheet Script
Hi there,
Revenue day_site_placement_country_platform_breakdown report returns double reveue
Add video item
We are working on the feature to allow uploading video creatives through our campaign creation feature and some questions:
API Audience Creation/Update
API Error: site does not belong to campaign targetting
we are getting this error when trying to block some site via API.
Bulk Update with is_atomic=false
I'm trying the option of 'is_atomic=false' when bulk update campaigns status to paused.
I tried to send 2 ids, fake one and a real one to see if it updates the real ones status and I received 404 error for the entire request.
Is the 'is_atomic' option available only for specific errors? How can I test it?
Export Datas from Python using your API.
How to get daily spent budget for the campaign
We are trying to get information about the sum of budget spent for 1 day, but we can see only total amount spent for the whole campaign time. Spending limit is set as "monthly". Is it possible to get daily budget spent without changing spending limit type?
Update: we are asking about using the "get all campaigns" request, but we know that the spent is shown also in the reporting data. Just because we're trying to use as less as possible requests at once.
Qualification Conversions (conversions on the customer's page) API integration
Is there a chance to get data about not just conversions but about qualification conversions (ones on the customer's page) from the API ?