Taboola Android SDK changelog
On March 31, 2025, Taboola will sunset SDK 2.
Before then, please make sure to migrate to SDK 4 for Android.
[2.10.0] - 2023-06-25
- Android 13 support (API Level 33)
[2.9.4] - 2022-09-01
- Reduced SDK unused code
[2.9.3] - 2022-04-07
- Minor improvements
[2.9.2] - 2021-10-06
- Minor improvements
[2.9.1] - 2021-09-13
- Updated the SDK manifest file to comply with Android 11+ package visibility guidelines.
[2.9.0] - 2021-08-02
- Added support for Android 12 (SDK works when compiling with Android API 31)
- Added the ability to request multiple placements when using the
in "API via SDK" 2.x
- The SDK will not override the app
object in case it is using it
- Minor bug fixes
[2.8.4] - 2021-04-28
- Removed unused usage of the
method from the SDK code
[2.8.3] - 2021-01-10
- Fixed a rare crash ("IInputMethodManager") in "API via SDK"
[2.8.1] - 2020-10-04
- Fixed an SDK (OnGestureListener) crash that could happen when scrolling horizontally in the app
Gradle version
Taboola SDK 2.8.0 and above supports Android 11 (API 30). One of the required changes the way Android 11 handles the "Package Visibility" API. Taboola SDK is using this API to hook with internal debugging tools. As such, you will need to follow Google's guidelines and upgrade your gradle plugin to a supporting version. See more information on how to do so here:
[2.8.0] - 2020-09-23
- We verified that the SDK can run well with projects that are targeting API 30 (Android 11)
- Taboola privacy policy (the text you see when you click "Ads By Taboola") now opens in ChromeCustomTabs/AndroidX.browser instead of a floating fregment
[2.7.0] - 2020-07-26
- Added support for AndroidX browser (instead of Chrome Custom Tabs) for projects who use AndroidX
- Improved the way the SDK is working with SupportV4 depenendencies
- We improved the visibility mechanism, to avoid reporting hidden/un-attached widgets/feeds as visible. If your app is using ViewPager you can expect changes in the viewability rates. Please make sure to fetch Taboola content only when the screen loads
- Crash fixes that we collected using the SDK "global uncaught exception handler"
[2.6.0] - 2020-06-03
- Added support for the IAB Transparency and Consent Framework V2 (TCFv2)
- Added a refresh function to Feed/Widget via JS (SDK for Hybrid apps - SDK JS)
- This SDK version improves the way the SDK works with the following AndroidX components: ScrollView, ViewPager, and BROADCAST_MANAGER.
- Crash fixes that we collected using the SDK "global uncaught exception handler"
[2.5.0] - 2020-04-26
- Widget/Feed via Native (SDK Standard): Added two more options of handling the
method; 1. A new flag that allows the publisher to handle the collapse of Taboola in case of an error 2. A new flag that lets the publisher use new detailed error reasons strings. To avoid breaking current integrations, both flags require opt-in, see here for feed, and here for widget
- Improved the way of handling SC clicks in Widget/Feed vis JS (Hybrid apps)
- Improved the way SDK API works with Taboola Newsroom to report native events
- Fixed an error in the "NumberUtils" within the "formatDouble" method
- Crash fixes that we collect using the SDK "global uncaught exception handler"
[2.4.0] - 2020-02-23
- Added support to the IAB CCPA framework. The SDK automatically collects the US privacy string if the publisher implements the IAB spec correctly
- The function
is officially deprecated. Please usesetExtraProperties
instead - Changed the SDK
back to MODE_PRIVATE - The Android SDK API now works with Picasso 2.71828 image library. Please don't forget that you can always handle the image downloading manually.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the Android SDK API from sending the consent string when using 3rd party CMP
- In SDK 2.3.0 we implemented a GUEH (global uncaught exception handler). This tool sends to Taboola any crash (NPE) in the app the SDK is running in, allowing us to fix edge cases and improve the overall stability. In this version, we fixed my rare crashes from the past couple of weeks.
[2.3.9] - 2020-01-15
- Added support for automated Proguard rules in Android SDK API (consumed rules)
- Added support for dark mode (Android 10) by passing an indication in "setExtraProperties" function. Publishers who are using dark mode themes in their apps must contact their account/solution manager in Taboola to activate the dark mode design. In Q2 2020 this process will be done automatically
- Improved the log messages the Integration Verifier throws in the logcat
- Fixed an issue that caused a crash when loading a bad image URL in SDK via Native
- Fixed several areas in the code that caused crashes because of unattended "null" situations
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused an issue when clicking the "Ads By Taboola" caption
[2.3.7] - 2019-11-26
- Added "consumerProguardFiles" logic to add the SDK Proguard rules automatically. Adding the rules manually is still possible
- Added the option to hide the scrolling bars for Feed via Native. See the SDK reference to see how
- We added a pull-to-refresh example to our public example project
- Fixed rare crashes related to SDK API when loading Picasso and when handling with the API response
[2.3.6] - 2019-10-24
- Added an option to allow publishers to hide the Taboola scrolling bars when using Feed/Widget via Native. Please refer to the SDK Reference for more information on how to use this flag.
- Added an option to allow publishers to enable/disable local file access when using Feed/Widget via Native
- Fixed a "pthread_create" error when using SDK API
- Fixed a minor issue when sending events to Taboola Newsroom via the SDK
[2.3.5] - 2019-09-24
- "onlinetemplate" our improved performance mode is turned on by default. You're no longer required to activate it manually
- We fixed a situation where Taboola GUEH (global uncaught exceptions handler) collided with other GUEH providers
- We fixed a rare crash at the
class that happens when using Widget/Feed via native - Other minor bug fixes and performance improvements
[2.3.4] - 2019-08-18
- We fixed an issue that caused the mid-article widget to flicker when loading inside a RecyclerView
[2.3.3] - 2019-08-07
- We added support for sending events from the SDK into the Newsroom platform - see dedicated documentation here
- We added a optional step of initializing Taboola object when the activity loads
- We removed the
dependency from the SDK
- We fixed an issue that caused widget/feed to flicker when using it within a
- Other minor bug fixes and performance improvements
[2.3.0] - 2019-07-02
Version 2.3.0 changelog includes all of the notable features that were released in the past 6 months
- We added the Integration Verifier debug mode in the Android SDK. When using this mode you can run verification tests by our SDK, making sure you implemented the integration correctly. Read more here:
- We added support for the IAB Consent framework. You can now pass the GDPR consent status from any CMP that supports the IAB consent string.
Read more here: Android - iOS - - We added an option to work with UIPageViewController (iOS) and ViewPager (Android) when using SDK JS - calling Taboola only when the next screen (horizontal scrolling) is visible to the user.
Read more here: Android - iOS - - Added progress bar in Taboola Feed to improve the scrolling experience.
Read more here: Android - iOS - - Added support for device orientation change when working with Taboola Widget.
- Added an option to pass the publisher internal user ID, in addition to the device ID. In case you need to pass your own internal ID, you can now do so in addition to the regular attribution that is done based on the device ID (GAID/IDFA). To read more about this feature, please contact your account manager
- To support AndroidX libraries we changed the Taboola attributes when creating the Widget by using an XML layout. You now need to add the “tb_” prefix string before each attribute.
Read more here: - Removed the dependency of the retrofit library when using the SDK API.
- We improved the SDK stability in cases in which the publisher didn’t set the Feed height to two times the size of the screen. Read more here:
- Improved the way we refresh a live Taboola Widget object, allowing to easily switch between bright and dark UI modes. See code example here:
- Fixed an issue that prevented Taboola from loading at the same time that the screen loads when using RecyclerView.
- Fixed an issue that prevented using a Carousel card in Taboola Feed when the app used horizontal scrolling (ViewPager).
- Fixed an issue that caused the Android SDK Standard to use hardware/software acceleration when rendering webviews.
- Fixed an issue that caused the SDK to crash when the webview was set to null.
[2.2.3] - 2019-06-06
Hot fix related to SDK version 2.2.2 release
[2.2.2] - 2019-06-05
- Taboola Feed can now include a carousel card when the publisher is using horizontal scrolling
- Taboola Android SDK now supports the IAB Consent framework
- We added an option to pass the SDK an internal user ID
- We added an option to force CSS rules on the HTML the widget/feed is rendering on - to better support apps that are using dark UI mode
- IMPORTANT! The SDK is now compatible with AndroidX/Jetpack - as a result we had to change the Taboola attributes by adding "tb_" prefix on each one. This is highly important for publisher who are using the Android layout XML to create Taboola Widget on SDK via native - see here
- We improved our SDK API by allowing publishers to avoid compiling the "Picasso" image loading library (Please contact your account manager to get the SDK API documentation link)
- Fixed an issue that caused the Android SDK Standard to use hardware/software acceleration to render itself
[2.2.1] - 2019-05-12
- Taboola Widget (via native) now supports device orientation change
- SDK can now detect if the Feed (via native) height is not fixed - please make sure to adjust the Feed height as described in the integration instructions
- More improvements to the SDK networking calls
- Fixed an issue in SDK API that prevented images to load on certain publishers
- Fixed an issue that prevented reloading the widget when changing the mode from bright to dark mode and vice versa
[2.2.0] - 2019-04-03
- Taboola SDK is now configured as a content provider. By doing so we can improve the way we handle errors and improve the overall stability
- Added the option to show the progress bar when the publisher is manually handling the scroll switch
- Added support for 3rd party vendor weather card for SDK via Native
- Improved the SDK network call to more efficient logic
- Reduced the caching time for certain loading components
- Fixed an issue where the 2nd organic item click handling open in chrome custom tab instead of the click handler settings
- Fixed an issue where pull-to-refresh didn't work when using the online template
- Fixed a rare issue of getting null value from the webview
- Other minor bug fixes and stability improvements
[2.1.2] - 2019-02-25
- Added support to run the SDK in the notification area
[2.1.1] - 2019-02-10
- We are introducing a native UI indicator when the scroll is switching from the publisher app to Taboola's Feed (Feed via Native)
- We improved the way we handle the current state of the Feed/Widget via native, making sure the different configuration is not getting reset
- We removed the GSON dependency, please make sure to see the updated Proguard rules
- We fixed an issue where the "About Taboola" popup window failed to load on certain devices
[2.1.0] - 2019-01-09
- We are introducing the Android SDK verifier - special debug mode to make sure you integrated the SDK correctly
- We added an option to lazy load content on our Widget via JS and Feed via JS Android integrations
- We improve the way the SDK is working with more online and dynamic under-the-hood components
- Bug fixes related to Taboola News offering
[2.0.29] - 2018-12-20
- Minor bug fixes related to Taboola OEM offering
[2.0.28] - 2018-11-04
- Support for horizontal scrolling in SDK standard
- Support for third-party libraries when loading images in SDK API
- The functions 'setOptionalModeCommands()' and 'pushCommands()' are now deprecated
- Minor performance improvements
- Minor bug fixes
[2.0.27] - 2018-09-04
- Prevent crash in case where not delivering WebView attached to window
[2.0.25] - 2018-09-04
- Prevent crash in case where not delivering WebView attached to window
- Logs for null context state
- Support for 'notify-clientEvent'
- Height and width added to the SDK-API
- Support for a single item image size in placement
[2.0.23] - 2018-08-08
- Fixed memory leaks in the SDK API
- Added a BI layer (internal)
- Protected resize in SDK standard from crashing. Added callback for image loading failure
[1.3.6] - 2018-03-20
Added an option to set text zoom on the widget (fixed text size)
[1.3.1] - 2017-09-12
Internal bug fixes
[1.2.1] - 2017-08-09
- Overriding default click handling for non-organic items is no longer allowed
- Fixed incorrect TABOOLA_DID_FAILAD reporting in the Widget
[1.1.12] - 2017-06-22
- Fixed a bug in resize widget
- Fixed a bug in organic/sponsored detection
[1.1.11] - 2017-06-07
Fixed a bug in Android versions lower than 2.3
[1.1.9] - 2017-05-29
Improved organic/sponsored links detection
[1.1.8] - 2017-05-22
Fixed a bug on earlier versions of Android with low memory
[1.1.7] - 2017-05-18
- Various bug fixes
- Report 'TABOOLA_DID_FAILAD' when a widget is loaded with no recommendations
- Faster loading of Chrome custom tabs
- Faster reporting of visible events
[1.1.6] - 2017-04-26
Edited 'OnGlobalNotificationsListener' interface to provide the TaboolaWidget object in all methods
Updated 5 months ago