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Migrating from SDK 2

Migrating from SDK 2 to SDK 4


Covered in this guide

  • Migrating from Android SDK 2.x-> 4.x

For iOS and React Native plugin, refer to the SDK 3 migration guide.


In order to streamline Taboola integration, the SDK has undergone extensive changes. As such, when migrating from v2 to v4, treat it as a new integration.

Detailed migration guidelines are provided below.


Placement codes used for v2 can be used with v4. No new codes are required.

Migrating from Android SDK 2.x -> 4.x


Treat SDK 4 as a new integration.
It is not sufficient to update the .gradle file only.

  1. Update build.gradle to use the latest SDK 4 version (<<androidSDKVersion>>).

    For detailed instructions, see:

  2. From within Android Studio, select: File > Sync Project With Gradle Files.

  3. Remove (or comment) out all Taboola SDK 2 code: init methods, setters, listeners, XML files, etc.

  4. From within Android Studio, select: Build > Clean Project.

  5. Build the project and verify it compiles correctly, with the newly removed SDK 2 code.

    Compilation errors?

    From within Android Studio, select: File > Invalidate Caches/Restart

  6. Implement the SDK 4 integration - see:

SDK 3 changes

If you are migrating from SDK 2, note the following changes in SDK 3 (that also apply to SDK 4):


Key changes in SDK 3

  • Widget and Feed are now instances of the same class ('Unit'), and use a similar flow.
  • Widget and Feed heights are now set automatically.
  • Placement View IDs are now managed automatically.
  • Serial loading is now managed automatically.
  • The following default values are now applied:
    • targetType is "mix" by default.
    • The scrollIntercept flag for Feed is set to true by default (for a seamless transition between page and Feed scrolling).