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Missing key in Info.plist


After upgrading Taboola SDK to 3.8.23 or higher, your app installation fails. An error message similar to the following displays:

  • “The application’s Info.plist does not contain a valid CFBundleVersion.”
  • “Failure to get the identifier for the app to be installed.”
  • Etc.

In some cases, after manually filling in the missing keys, a crash occurs at run time.

Applies to

  • CocoaPods
  • Upgrading to Taboola SDK 3.8.23 or higher


If your project was originally created with a very old version of Xcode (using a legacy project format), a newer version of Xcode may generate an Info.plist with missing keys.

For a fresh app installation, this can also result in a crash at run time. (The app attempts to access capabilities - Location, Calendar, IDFA, etc. - without appropriate keys in Info.plist.)


  1. Install Taboola SDK 3.8.22 (or earlier).
  2. Within Xcode, select the project node (top, left), and your app target under TARGETS (left). Then select the Info tab (right).
  3. Copy each Info.plist entry (Cmd + C), and save the values in a text file.

    (Make sure to save the text file outside your project folder structure.)

  4. Install the latest Taboola SDK.
  5. Within Xcode, select your app target under TARGETS (left), and select Info (right).
  6. Copy and paste the missing values from the above text file.
  7. Install and run the app and verify that there are no errors.