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React Native Plugin 3.x > GDPR and CCPA


Taboola React-native plugin 3.x supports the IAB Consent framework (TCFv2). If you implemented a CMP, the plugin will pass the shared consent string to Taboola.

GDPR - Passing the consent status directly

It is possible to forward the consent status to Taboola plugin on each time the widget/feed is initialized using a dedicated flag - cex. The consent boolean value (in string format) should be passed on each session.

By default, the value of this flag is set to "true" - allowing Taboola to use the user's data. Please use the flag only when the end-user is GDPR subject and set it to "true" (user provided consent), or "false" (user didn't provide consent). It is recommended to place these lines alongside the other settings, such as publisher name, etc


CCPA - IAB CCPA Framework

Taboola React-native plugin 3.x supports the IAB CCPA Framework ("IABUSPrivacy_String").

CCPA - Passing the CCPA status directly to Taboola

It is possible to forward the CCPA "Do Not Sell" (dns) status to Taboola SDK on each time the widget/feed is initialized using a dedicated flag - cdns The value (in string format) should be passed on each SDK session.

  • true - CCPA applies, and the end-user opted-out per CCPA requirements
  • false - CCPA applies, and the end-user didn't opt-out per CCPA requirements
  • none - CCPA does not apply (the default status)

By default, the value of this flag is set to none - the end-user is not CCPA subject, allowing Taboola to use the user's data. It is recommended to place these lines alongside the other settings, such as publisher name, etc
