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Basic Integration

iOS Web - Basic Integration


You are viewing the V3 docs. Note that v4 is now the preferred version.

While reading the documentation, take a look at our Sample App.


This integration requires you to connect JavaScript code (in your web content) with native application code.

Initialize Taboola


The initialization steps in this section are the same for Classic and Web integrations.

In your AppDelegate class, create a TBLPublisherInfo object and initialize Taboola:

#import <TaboolaSDK/TaboolaSDK.h>

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    // Immediately after application launch...
    // Initialize a TBLPublisherInfo instance with your unique ‘publisherName' and 'appStoreId':
    TBLPublisherInfo *publisherInfo = [[TBLPublisherInfo alloc] initWithPublisherName:@"<publisherName>" appStoreId:@(<appStoreId>)];

    // Initialize Taboola for your application:
    [Taboola initWithPublisherInfo:publisherInfo];
    // (Optional) Set *global* feature flags:
    [Taboola setGlobalExtraProperties:@{@"<feature flag key>":@"<value>"}];

    // (Optional) Set the desired log level: 
    [Taboola setLogLevel:LogLevelDebug];
    return YES;
import TaboolaSDK

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    // Immediately after application launch...
    // Initialize a TBLPublisherInfo instance with your unique 'publisherName' and 'appStoreId':
    let publisherInfo = TBLPublisherInfo.init(publisherName: "<publisherName>", appStoreId: <appStoreId>)
    // Initialize Taboola for your application:
    // (Optional) Set *global* feature flags:
    Taboola.setGlobalExtraProperties(["<feature flag key>":"<value>"])
    // (Optional) Set the desired log level:
    return true



  • publisherName - An alphanumeric string, provided by Taboola - e.g. "<<publisherID>>".

    This field is also referred to as the Publisher ID.

  • appStoreId - Your App Store ID, obtained via the App Store Connect dashboard.

    See below.



Your App Store ID - aka Apple ID or iTunes ID - is a unique, numeric identifier that allows Apple to distinguish your app from others.

Passing the appStoreId param allows for improved tracking and attribution and is strongly recommended.

(Requires SDK 3.8.27or higher)


Obtaining your App Store ID

  1. Log in to the App Store Connect dashboard.
  2. Under My Apps, select the relevant app.
  3. Under General, select App Information (left).
  4. Copy your Apple ID (right).



Initialize Taboola in your AppDelegate class - or as early as possible within the app.



(Optional) To set the desired log level, use the setLogLevel method.

For more detail, see: Setters.

Add Taboola JS tags

  1. Add the following meta tag to the section of your web content:
<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, user-scalable=no'/>
  1. Add the following JS tag to the section of your web content, and edit the default text:
<script type="text/javascript">
     window._taboola = window._taboola || [];
     _taboola.push({page_type:'auto', url:'page_url'});
     !function (e, f, u, i) {
          if (!document.getElementById(i)){
               e.async = 1;
               e.src = u;
      = i;
               f.parentNode.insertBefore(e, f);

Editing instructions:

Default textInstructionsNotes
page_typeReplace this with the relevant page type (as provided by Taboola - e.g. article):

Possible values:
video, article, photo, search, category, home.
'auto'To obtain an automated ID, leave this param as is:

Else, insert your own, internal ID:
Specifies the ID of this page, for the given page type.
'page_url'Insert the canonical web URL of the page:

Required so that Taboola can crawl the page for metadata and contextual data.
publisher_idInsert your Publisher ID (as provided by Taboola - e.g. '<<publisherID>>') into the URL:

  1. For each placement, add the following JS tag to the of your web content, and edit the param values:
<div id="<<containerId>>"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
     window._taboola = window._taboola || []; 
     _taboola.push({mode: 'mode-here',
     	container: 'container-id-here',
     	placement: 'placement-here',
     	target_type: '<<targetType>>'});

 // Notice - this part is unique to mobile SDK JS integrations!
_taboola["mobile"] = window._taboola["mobile"] || [];
   flush: true



  • mode - The UI Mode ID of the placement, as provided by Taboola - e.g. '<<mode>>'.
  • container - The ID of your HTML element that contains the Taboola content - e.g. '<<containerId>>'.
  • placement - The placement name, as provided by Taboola - e.g. '<<placementName>>'.
  • target_type - The target type, as provided by Taboola - e.g. '<<targetType>>'.
  • publisher - Your Publisher ID (aka Account ID) - a unique, alphabetic string, as provided by Taboola - e.g. '<<publisherID>>'.

Build Taboola content instances



  1. The goal is to wrap your web view with Taboola services.
  2. For each page, initialize 1 TBLWebPage instance, and create 1 TBLWebUnit instance only. (You are not required to keep a reference to this TBLWebUnit instance.)
  3. Each placement is implemented via a JS tag (not via a TBLWebUnit instance). These JS tags inject Taboola content into your own content.

In your Controller class:

  1. Initialize a TBLWebPage instance:
#import <TaboolaSDK/TaboolaSDK.h>
@property (nonatomic, strong) TBLWebPage *webPage;

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    // Step 1 (this step):
    _webPage = [[TBLWebPage alloc]initWithDelegate:self];

import TaboolaSDK

var webPage: TBLWebPage? // Page

override func viewDidLoad() {

    // Step 1 (this step):
    webPage = TBLWebPage.init(delegate: self)
  1. Create a single TBLWebUnit instance, for the TBLWebPage that you initialized:
#import <TaboolaSDK/TaboolaSDK.h>
@property (nonatomic, strong) TBLWebPage *webPage;
@property (nonatomic, strong) TBLWebUnit *webUnit;

- (void)viewDidLoad {

    // Step 1:
    _webPage = [[TBLWebPage alloc]initWithDelegate:self];
    // Step 2 (this step):
    _webUnit = [webPage createUnitWithWebView:<webview>];
    // (Apply optional setters here, if needed...)
import TaboolaSDK

var webPage: TBLWebPage? // Page
var webUnit: TBLWebUnit?

override func viewDidLoad() {
    // Step 1:
    webPage = TBLWebPage.init(delegate: self)
    // Step 2 (this step):
    webUnit = webPage?.createUnit(with: webView)
    // (Apply optional setters here, if needed...)
  1. Make sure that your web view allows inline video via JavaScript. You can enable this via the StoryBoard or via code.

Example (via code):

WKWebViewConfiguration *config = [[WKWebViewConfiguration alloc] init];
[config setAllowsInlineMediaPlayback:YES];
[config.preferences setJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically:YES];
let config = WKWebViewConfiguration()       
config.allowsInlineMediaPlayback = true       
config.preferences.javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically = true



The allowsInlineMediaPlayback flag ensures that video content remains within the placement container and does not expand to fill the entire view.

  1. Once you have created the single TBLWebUnit instance, your integration is complete. The rest of the work is done by the JS tags. However, if you are using UIPageViewController, see the instructions below.

The Click Event

Taboola Web Integration provides a TBLWebPageDelegate for event handling.

If desired, you can intercept the click event, and open organic content directly within your app:

- (BOOL)webView:(WKWebView *)webView didClickPlacementName:(NSString *)placementName itemId:(NSString *)itemId clickUrl:(NSString *)clickUrl isOrganic:(BOOL)organic {
    // Insert your code here...
    // Return 'NO' to handle the click event yourself - or 'YES' for Taboola to handle it.
    // Note: you can override the default behavior for *organic* content only.
    return YES;
func webView(_ webView: WKWebView!, didClickPlacementName placementName: String!, itemId: String!, clickUrl: String!, isOrganic organic: Bool) -> Bool {
    // Insert your code here...
    // Return 'false' if you are handling the click event yourself, or 'true' if you want Taboola SDK to handle the click event.
    // Note: you can override the default behavior for *organic* content only.
    return true;


You can override the default behavior for organic content only.


For more information, see Event Handling and didClickPlacementName.

Working with UIPageViewController

When working with UIPageViewController, make sure to fetch Taboola content when the next page is visible to the user (not before).

  1. For each JS tag in the of your web content, add lazyFetch: true:
<script type="text/javascript"> 

_taboola["mobile"].push( {
    lazyFetch: true // If you are using a `UIPageViewController` 
  1. Because you added a lazyFetch directive within the JS tag, you must fetch Taboola content via your view controller:
// Invoke *once only*, from within `viewWillAppear()`:
[_webUnit fetchContent:self.webView]; // When using `UIPageViewController`
// Invoke *once only*, from within `viewWillAppear()`:
webUnit?.fetchContent(webView) // When using `UIPageViewController`



If you prefetch more than 1 page using UIPageViewController:

  1. Fetch Taboola content when the next page is visible to the user - i.e. in the viewWillAppear method.
  2. Fetch content once only (not every time the viewWillAppear method is fired).

Dark Mode


Dark mode is not supported by default. For dark-mode placements, contact your Taboola Account Manager.

Once Taboola has configured your dark-mode placements, you can use the following code in your application:

[_webPage setPageExtraProperties:@{@"darkMode":@"true"}];
webPage?.pageExtraProperties = ["darkMode":"true"]

Well Done!

You have completed the basic integration steps!

If everything is working smoothly, take a look at the What's Next section below.


Taboola content not rendering?

  1. Test with the same params as the sample app, and see if those work.
  2. Still stuck? Submit a question In our forum.

What's next?

  1. For handling clicks and other important events, see Event Handling.
  2. In order to provide personalized recommendations for impressions in the EU and California, make sure to implement GDPR and CCPA respectively.
  3. If you have not already done so, make sure to look at our sample app.
  4. Once you are complete, submit your app for review - see the App Verification section.



Prior to launch, you must provide Taboola with a test app for verification. Skipping this step may result in a significant loss of revenue.

See: App Verification