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iOS Classic - Setters


Setter propertyDescription
logLevelPossible values:

LogLevelError (default - this is the least verbose)
globalExtraPropertiesPass optional feature flags as a list of key-value pairs - e.g.:

// Objective-C:
[Taboola setGlobalExtraProperties:@{@"<key1>":@"<val1>",@"<key2>":@"<val2>"}];



All setter methods are optional.

Setter propertyDescription
targetTypeSets the target type of the Page instance (default is "mix").

Do not update unless instructed to do so by your Taboola Account Manager.
pageIdSets the Page ID of the Page instance

By default, the system auto-generates an ID, based on pageUrl. If desired, you can set your own internal ID.
pageExtraPropertiesA Dictionary that can store multiple properties for the Page instance. E.g. "darkMode":"true".
serialDelayAllows you to override the default interval for serial loading.

See: Advanced Options > Multiple units on 1 screen.
fetchingPolicyAllows you to override serial loading (default) with parallel loading.

See: Advanced Options > Multiple units on 1 screen.



All setter methods are optional.

Setter propertyDescription
progressBarColorSets the color of the progressBar, whenever the Feed is being loaded (default color is blue).

See Advanced Options > Progress Bar.
progressBarAnimationTimeControls the progressBar animation duration.

See Advanced Options > Progress Bar.
progressBarEnabledShow/hide progress bar while Taboola Feed is loading.

See Advanced Options > Progress Bar.
optionalWidgetStyleSets additional styling CSS rules for the widget. (e.g. Use it to control the widget's background.)
overrideScrollInterceptUsed to override the scroll intercept.

See Advanced Options > Manual Scroll Switch.
scrollEnableControls whether the Unit's content is scrollable or not (default is enabled).

Important: only disable if you are using manual scroll switch (overrideScrollIntercept).