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Flutter Plugin

Beta version


You are viewing the v0 docs. Note that v1 is now the preferred version.


Example App

Take a look at our Flutter example app on github.

Step 1: Dependencies & Permissions


  1. You can incorporate the Taboola package from the following
  1. In your project’s pubspec.yaml, under ‘dependencies:’, add:
taboola_sdk: 0.3.0
  1. Don't forget to turn off the Taboola logs before uploading your app to the Google Play / App Store


Running The Flutter App

To run the Flutter app on versions 2.x and above, use the "--no-sound-null-safety" flag. For example: "flutter run --no-sound-null-safety"


Add permissions in your relevant AndroidManifest.xml, above the <application> tag, add

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<!-- Please add the following permission to allow Taboola to deliver personalized content, using Google's AdvertisingId (according to Google's policy update: -->
<uses-permission android:name=""/>


Add permissions in your relevant Info.plist add the following between the <plist> tags:


Step 2: Init Taboola


Important note about using 'webview_flutter' with Taboola

  • In case you are using the 'webview_flutter' plugin and its default Platform Views rendering methods, please check if Taboola integration is causing you rendering issues.
  • Taboola Widget requires the Hybrid Composition rendering method and, unfortunately, the 'webview_flutter' plugin requires switching render mode in a global way.
  • Our recommended approaches to this issue: Make sure to create all your WebViews before creating Taboola Widgets. 'webview_flutter' plugin will keep your existing WebViews in their existing render methods and only change Taboola's WebViews to Hybrid Composition."
  1. Import Taboola to your project
import 'package:taboola_sdk/taboola.dart';
  1. Create a PublisherInfo object, passing your Taboola Publisher ID:
PublisherInfo publisherInfo = PublisherInfo(<publisherId>);


publisherId - Your Taboola Publisher ID.

A unique, alphabetic string, provided to you by Taboola.

  1. Execute the init function with the PublisherInfo object

Step 3: Add Taboola to the build stack

Import the relevant components

import 'package:taboola_sdk/classic/taboola_classic_listener.dart';
import 'package:taboola_sdk/classic/taboola_classic.dart';
import 'package:taboola_sdk/taboola.dart';

Obtain a TaboolaStandard Instance

  1. Get an instance builder
TaboolaClassicBuilder taboolaClassicBuilder = Taboola.getTaboolaClassicBuilder(



  • pageUrl - A public, fully-qualified URL that reflects the current screen's content.
  • pageType - The relevant page type, as provided by Taboola.
  1. Add the Taboola unit
TaboolaClassicUnit taboolaClassicUnit =
                            <viewId>,           // For a single unit, this param is optional
                            <scrollController>, // Optional (See 'Special cases')
                            <keepAlive>         // Optional (Used with ListView. Default = false)



  • placement - Your placement param, as provided by Taboola
  • mode - Your mode param, as provided by Taboola.
  • isFeed - Determines which Taboola unit is returned:
    • Pass false to obtain a limited TaboolaWidget for mid-page or page-bottom.
    • Pass true to obtain an unlimited TaboolaFeed for page-bottom.
  • TaboolaStandardListener - You will create the TaboolaStandardListener in the next step.
  • viewID - A unique, numeric string (e.g. the current epoch timestamp).
    • When adding multiple Taboola units to the same screen, pass the same viewId for each unit. See: Multiple Taboola units on a screen
    • If you have a single Taboola unit on the screen, this param is optional.
  • scrollController - (Optional) Your own ScrollController
    • When needed, pass your ownScrollController - see below: Special cases
    • If you do not pass a ScrollController, the Taboola SDK will create one, and expose it via the unit's scrollController property.
    • A limited Taboola unit (aka TaboolaWidget) does not need a custom ScrollController.
  • keepAlive - (Optional) Allows you to persist Taboola units in a ListView.
    • Default = false
    • Pass true to ensure that the Taboola unit is not destroyed when scrolled offscreen.
    • Otherwise, scrolling back creates a new Taboola unit. This will cause new recommendations to load, and may cause a flickering effect.


Special cases

For the following special cases, refer to the instructions provided:

Step 4: Set Callbacks



Make sure to implement the taboolaDidFailToLoad method to handle the event of an error or no fill.

Create a TaboolaStandardListener object to receive callbacks regarding your TaboolaStandard instance:

TaboolaClassicListener  taboolaClassicListener = TaboolaClassicListener(taboolaDidResize,taboolaDidShow,taboolaDidFailToLoad,taboolaDidClickOnItem);


This callback is called every time Taboola’s web content resizes.

  • Placement: The name of the Taboola Widget.
  • Height: The min. between 1 screen size & current WebView height (wraps around its web content)


  • Placement: The name of the Taboola Widget.
  • General: This is called when Taboola web content starts rendering (on or off screen), treat this more like an onLoadSuccess()


Called when Taboola failed to display content or timed out.

  • Placement: The name of the Taboola Widget.
  • Error: The error message related.


This callback will be called when a user clicks on a Taboola item. (String placement, String itemId, String clickUrl, bool organic)

  • Placement: The name of the Taboola Widget.
  • ItemId: The id of the item clicked.
  • ClickUrl: The url of the item clicked.
  • Organic: True if the clicked item is organic, false if it’s sponsored.
    Return value:
    This callback also implements logic regarding who handles the user click. If you return true: Taboola will handle the click automatically. If you return false: In case of organic item/article, you will be able to handle the click yourself. Sponsored items will still be handled by Taboola at any case.

TaboolaStandardListener expects Functions as arguments

Step 5: Submit your app for review

You're done!
When you have finished the integration, contact your account manager and send a debuggable version of your Android and iOS projects. Reach out to your Taboola contact for more information

Special Cases




When using a ListView, make sure to:

  1. Pass your own ScrollController to Taboola.
  2. Set the keepAlive flag to true.

Detailed steps are provided below.

  1. Create your own ScrollController instance:

    final ScrollController _scrollController = ScrollController();
  2. When building your ListView, reference your ScrollController:

    body: ListView.builder(
      controller: _scrollController, // A reference to your ScrollContoller
      itemCount: items.length,
      itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
        // Your ListItem UI code here...
  3. When building the TaboolaClassicUnit instance, pass your own ScrollController and set the keepAlive flag to true:

    TaboolaClassicUnit taboolaClassicUnit =  
                                        yourScrollController, // Pass your own ScrollController  
                                        true                  // Pass true  


    See above: Obtain a TaboolaStandard Instance

Multiple Taboola units on a screen

It is possible to add more than one Taboola unit on the same screen such as two widgets or mid article widget and bottom article feed.

To enable this functionality properly:

  1. Set the same viewId value for each TaboolaClassicUnit object before rendering the widget. The viewId value
    must be a string of digits of maximum 19 characters. We recommend using the current epoch timestamp.
  2. Fetch the content for the second asset only after a response is received for the first asset. Please use the
    'taboolaDidShow' callback of the 1st asset to initiate rendering for the 2nd unit.
  3. Pass your own ViewController, as described for ListView (above).

For full implementation details, see our example app.

Nested scrolling

If you have your own custom ScrollController, please set it in the optional argument when building TaboolaStandard instance

When adding “Taboola Feed” into a screen below a scrollable Widget. Taboola’s best-suggested practice is as followed:

  1. Create a CustomScrollView
  2. Set Taboola’s ScrollController as the CustomScrollView’s controller. This will allow Taboola to transfer scrolling between its Feed and your content.
  3. Add your content into a SliverList.
  4. Add your TaboolaStandard instance as a child of a SliverToBoxAdapter.
    If you have your own custom ScrollController, please set it in the optional argument when building TaboolaStandard instance

Code Samples:

_taboolaClassic =, mode, true, _taboolaStandardListener, <YOUR_SCROLL_CONTROLLER>);


Taboola Flutter plugin can get a direct signal for the current user about the GDPR and CCPA status.
Currently, the plugin does not support the IAB CCPA, TCFv1, and TCFv2 frameworks


It is possible to forward the consent status to Taboola plugin on when using a dedicated flag - cex. The consent boolean value (in string format) should be passed on each session.
By default, the value of this flag is set to "true" - allowing Taboola to use the user's data. Please use the flag only when the end-user is GDPR subject and set it to "true" (user-provided consent), or "false" (user didn't provide consent).

HashMap<String, dynamic> extraProperties = new HashMap<String, dynamic>(); //map has to be of <String, dynamic> structure.

extraProperties.putIfAbsent("cex", () => "true"); //or “false”

Taboola.init(PublisherInfo(publisher), extraProperties: extraProperties);


It is possible to forward the CCPA "Do Not Sell" (dns) status to Taboola plugin on each time the widget/feed is initialized using a dedicated flag - cdns. The value (in string format) should be passed on each session.

  • true - CCPA applies, and the end-user opted-out per CCPA requirements
  • false - CCPA applies, and the end-user didn't opt-out per CCPA requirements
  • none - CCPA does not apply (the default status)
    By default, the value of this flag is set to none - the end-user is not CCPA subject, allowing Taboola to use the user's data. It is recommended to place these lines alongside the other settings, such as publisher name, etc
HashMap<String, dynamic> extraProperties = new HashMap<String, dynamic>(); //map has to be of <String, dynamic> structure.

extraProperties.putIfAbsent("cdns", () => "true"); //or “false”

Taboola.init(PublisherInfo(publisher), extraProperties: extraProperties);

Dark Mode


Dark mode is not supported by default. For dark-mode placements, contact your Taboola Account Manager.

Once Taboola has configured your dark-mode placements, you can use the following code in your application:

HashMap<String, dynamic> extraProperties = new HashMap<String, dynamic>(); //map has to be of <String, dynamic> structure.

extraProperties.putIfAbsent("darkMode", () => "true"); //or “false” if you don't wish to recieve dark mode placements

Taboola.init(PublisherInfo(publisher), extraProperties: extraProperties)

Test drive

You can use the following test parameters for your development efforts

ParameterEndless FeedWidget
Placement"Feed without video""Below Widget"

Contact us & Terms

If you wish to integrate the Taboola Flutter package into any commercial applications, please make sure you have a green light from your Taboola contact and from Taboola Product team

Using this Flutter package is subject to Taboola terms of use and privacy policy