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Language targeting

API Docs doesnt clarify how we should use language targeting on campaign creation ? Whats the parameter as example ?

V3.8.28 does not work with iOS 18

When trying to tap on a taboola feed article, the app crashes with a strange log `EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0xfffffffffffffff0)`

taboola github repo not accessible

unable to clone spm ios and getting 404 when accessing <> from browser

Proguard warning

I'm integrating Taboola sdk version 3.8.16 and Firebase version 32.1.0. My application get crashed in release mode after applying the Proguard. I'm getting error like "Missing class" What should I've to try to stop the crash?

Taboola feeds supports React Native New Architecture ?

Im am using React Native v0.73 and newArchEnabled=true , but Taboola is not displaying.

No response from support

Unable to contact support, I've tried on their support page but received no response. It's about CPA: I want to create a CPA campaign, but the platform indicates that a tracker is required, which I have created but can't seem to associate with the campaign. Can anyone help me?

Taboola dependencies download failure:

Hi the build is failing on github cicd because of: > Task :app:dataBindingMergeDependencyArtifactsGoogleRelease FAILED > Could not resolve com.taboola:\*\*\*-sdk:3.8.5. ``` Required by: project :app > Could not resolve com.taboola:***-sdk:3.8.5. > Could not get resource '***/com/taboola/***-sdk/3.8.5/***-sdk-3.8.5.pom'. > Could not HEAD '***/com/taboola/***-sdk/3.8.5/***-sdk-3.8.5.pom'. Received status code 403 from server: Forbidden > Could not resolve com.taboola:***-sdk:3.8.5. > Could not parse POM***-sdk/3.8.5/***-sdk-3.8.5.pom > Already seen doctype. ``` can you please check the status of your server?

ANR on App launch with Taboola and Firebase Performance Plugin

Hi, I am using Taboola ads in my app. It seems Taboola ads sdk not compatible with latest Firebase Performance plugin. First session navigate to the fragment where Taboola ads located and I can see the advertisements as expected. Then if I kill the app from recent screens and when I try opening it again there's a crash / ANR. here is the library versions I am using Android Gradle Plugin version 8.0.2 Kotlin 1.8.0 Taboola sdk com.taboola:android-sdk:3.8.18 Firebase Performance plugin: Android app target version : 33 Android Studio Giraffe | 2022.3.1 Patch 1 Note: Its working fine If I downgrade the performance plugin version to firebase-perf-ktx:20.3.0

File not found exception

i am getting this error getHtmlTemplateFileContent :: error opening template file sampleContentPage.html. my code is same as sample application.

Unable to generate signed apk - Proguard R8-Full Mode

I am trying missign class error while generating signed apk Missing class (referenced from: int and 4 other contexts) I have keep rules in progurad file as but still getting same error \-keep public class com.taboola._ { _; } -keep,allowoptimization,allowobfuscation class\*_ { _; }