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Android App Crashing with Taboola and Proguard R8 Full mode enabled

Android app is crashing with the following logs as soon as we turn on R8 full mode

Pictures with very low resolution in Taboola Android SDK 3

Since I updated the SDK from version 2.9.3 to version 3.10.1, it appears from time to time that the pictures in the items in the taboola widget have a very low resolution. The resolution also doesn't improve after some time, but might only improve when I leave and reopen the screen where that widget is embedded.

Proguard warning

I'm integrating Taboola sdk version 3.8.16 and Firebase version 32.1.0. My application get crashed in release mode after applying the Proguard. I'm getting error like "Missing class"

Default constructor is missing for classType - class

I am using version 3.8.17.
After integration when launching the app from the second time onwards, the app gets fridge & gets the below logs.

Collection View Swift Issues

Hello I'm trying to implement a Taboola unit within a collection view but when I attempt to call the api to retrieve cell height for the generated Taboola unit to be fed into the layout it gives me maximum integer values for the collection view cell size do you all know why that is?