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Pixel Verification


Use the following steps to verify that your Taboola Subscription Pixel integration is running smoothly.

Once you have verified the integration, contact Taboola so we can verify the integration on our side.

Verify user and paywall data


Instructions are provided for Chrome. Similar steps can be used for most modern web browsers.

Verify that the user type and paywall events are firing correctly:

  1. Open the Chrome web browser, and browse to one of your articles.
  2. Open Chrome DevTools.

    Cmd + Option + I (Mac)

    Ctrl + Shift + I (Windows)

  3. Select the Network tab. Then reload the page to capture all network traffic.
  4. Confirm that loader.js is present.
  5. Type json? in the Filter box.
  6. Confirm that there is ajson network entry with a tim query param.

    E.g. json?tim= or json?...&tim= or similar.

  7. Click on the above json network entry.
  8. Select the Payload tab, and click on View decoded.

    You can now see the JSON payload.

  9. Under Query String Parameters locate the data node. Check that appropriate values are shown for the following params:


  • "unuid": An internal User ID - e.g. a hashed email.
  • "usrtyp": Possible values:"registered"| subscriber" | "guest"
  • "pywl": Possible values:true | false

A screenshot


Tip: you can right click on the JSON data, and copy it to a text editor.

Verify the form page


The following 2 sections require the Chrome web browser.

Verify the subscription funnel for the subscription form page:

  1. Install the Taboola Pixel Helper Chrome extension.
  2. Browse to a premium article and trigger the subscription form.
  3. The extension should show a Taboola Pixel with the "subscription-form-visible" event:

Verify the Thank You page

Verify the subscription funnel for the 'Thank You' page:

  1. Complete the subscription process, so that the 'Thank You' page loads.
  2. The extension should show a Taboola Pixel with the "subscription-complete" event:

Next steps

Once you have verified the integration, contact Taboola so we can verify the integration on our side.


Before contacting Taboola, make sure that:

  1. You are correctly tracking user data on both regular and premium articles.
  2. You are submitting the canonical URL of the article (or other page) that triggered the subscription funnel.