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feed code null exception

taboolaWidget = new TaboolaWidget(MoreActivity.this); taboolaWidget.getLayoutParams().height = SdkDetailsHelper.getDisplayHeight(MoreActivity.this) * 2; when i set above code, there is a exception as follow: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to write to field 'int android.view.ViewGroup$LayoutParams.height' on a null object reference How can i to update code?

Placement specs

My team is looking to implement your Android SDK and I was hoping to find a link to the ad placement specs in terms of what ad units are available; size, perimeter, characters etc.

can not use itemId in Android widget via native

Hi Taboola Your android SDK not OK! In Android sdk taboolaViewItemClickHandler dont have itemId only URL - please help

error: ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage by Apple. Use of Deprecated UIWebView in Taboola.

Hi, I am currently using the latest version(2.6.1) of Taboola in my project but inspite of that I am unable to upload the project to Appstore. When I searched for the presence of UIWebView in my project then I have received the below stated issue. Please do the needful. Pods/TaboolaSDK/TaboolaSDK.framework/Headers/TaboolaView.h: Optional. Force legacy UIWebView. Thanks in advance.

Text is clipped for list of items horizontally scrolling.

Hi, Recently We migrated our android app from V2 to V3. We found an inconsistency with text for items scrolling horizontally. the size of the widget is not high enough to show the forth line of text. I would provide picture if it's allowed. For the V2 version the text is ellipsized at the third line. Thank you, Hesham

Ads are not loading in devices which has android version 10+ or target Sdk version 30

Ads are not loading and It gives an error like below E/SdkDetailsHelper: createSdkDetailsJSON() failed, sdkType = [Taboola Android SDK] java.lang.SecurityException: getDataNetworkTypeForSubscriber: getDataNetworkTypeForSubscriber

iOS Cocoapods Framework CoreLocation

Hi, After installing the SDK using cocoapods (pod 'TaboolaSDK', '2.3.8') I see that TaboolaSDK.xcconfig uses the following configuration: CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR = ${PODS_CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR}/TaboolaSDK FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS = $(inherited) "${PODS_ROOT}/TaboolaSDK" GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS = $(inherited) COCOAPODS=1 OTHER_LDFLAGS = $(inherited) -framework "AdSupport" -framework "CoreLocation" -framework "Foundation" -framework "SafariServices" -framework "UIKit" -framework "WebKit" Why does TaboolaSDK need CoreLocation?

How can I set a limit to the number of blocks/ads loaded on my page?

Hi, I installed the taboola feed widget on my page and everything is working fine, but it is always with the infinity scroll. What I want is to have a way to limit the number of items the Taboola Feed loads/show on a page. This is the code I'm using right now and it's working on <div id="taboola-below-article-thumbnails"></div> <script> window._taboola = window._taboola || []; _taboola.push({ mode: 'alternating-thumbnails-a', container: 'taboola-below-article-thumbnails', placement: 'Below Article Thumbnails', target_type: 'mix' }); </script>

How to get campaign level flowing details

Hi I want to het flowing things through api Campaign level page 1.campaign play/paused function 2.Changing Daily budget function 3.Daily Bid changing function get a campaign page 1.get a campaign level sites block /unblock function 2.get a campaign level sites bid modifier account level i want to get account level campaign name click actuall cpc ctr spend account level block /block Please guide me to fix this my issues

Taboola Sdk not rendering to user

Hi i'm Vijay ,in recent Times Taboola SDK Can't rendering to the user ,Please explain it I'm using Current Version (2.6.2)