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Get Campaign Summary Report Returns Empty

I sent a GET request to "" with my access_token in the header. I get the following

"last-used-rawdata-update-time": "2024-05-08 01:00:00.0",
"last-used-rawdata-update-time-gmt-millisec": 1715144400000,
"timezone": "EDT",
"results": [],
"recordCount": 0,
"metadata": {
"total": 0,
"count": 0,
"start_date": "2024-05-07T00:00:00UTC",
"end_date": "2024-05-07T00:00:00UTC",
"static_fields": [
"id": "date",
"format": null,
"data_type": "DATE"
"id": "date_end_period",
"format": null,
"data_type": "STRING"
"id": "clicks",
"format": null,
"data_type": "NUMERIC"
"id": "impressions",
"format": null,
"data_type": "NUMERIC"
"id": "visible_impressions",
"format": null,
"data_type": "NUMERIC"
"id": "spent",
"format": null,
"data_type": "MONEY"
"id": "conversions_value",
"format": ".2f",
"data_type": "MONEY"
"id": "roas",
"format": ".2f",
"data_type": "PERCENT"
"id": "ctr",
"format": null,
"data_type": "PERCENT"
"id": "vctr",
"format": null,
"data_type": "PERCENT"
"id": "cpm",
"format": null,
"data_type": "MONEY"
"id": "vcpm",
"format": null,
"data_type": "MONEY"
"id": "cpc",
"format": ".3f",
"data_type": "MONEY"
"id": "campaigns_num",
"format": null,
"data_type": "NUMERIC"
"id": "cpa",
"format": ".3f",
"data_type": "MONEY"
"id": "cpa_clicks",
"format": ".3f",
"data_type": "MONEY"
"id": "cpa_views",
"format": ".3f",
"data_type": "MONEY"
"id": "cpa_actions_num",
"format": null,
"data_type": "NUMERIC"
"id": "cpa_actions_num_from_clicks",
"format": null,
"data_type": "NUMERIC"
"id": "cpa_actions_num_from_views",
"format": null,
"data_type": "NUMERIC"
"id": "cpa_conversion_rate",
"format": null,
"data_type": "PERCENT"
"id": "cpa_conversion_rate_clicks",
"format": null,
"data_type": "PERCENT"
"id": "cpa_conversion_rate_views",
"format": null,
"data_type": "PERCENT"
"id": "currency",
"format": null,
"data_type": "STRING"