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Where can I get the Account Id ?

Hello everyone,

I'm in the progress of familiarizing myself with the Backstage Report API for advertisers, I'd like to fetch a report called "Revenue Summary Report".

Here is the sample given to proceed:

Authorization: Bearer [access-token]

Now, I know my company has a Network account and multiple sub-account, so I'm first getting my access token using the credentials related to the Network account but then my issue comes upon trying to find the proper account-id to be used.

I have tried many of them:

  • the account_id of my network account, -> ends with this response:

    "http_status": 403,
    "message": "Requested action is forbidden",
    "message_code": "api.action.forbidden"

  • the id of my network account, ends with this response:

"http_status": 400,
"message": "Unknown publisher",
"message_code": "api.action.bad_request.null"

  • the account_id of different sub-accounts (that I got using the route :[account_id]/advertisers -> this account_id being the one of my network account) -> ends with this response :

    "http_status": 403,
    "message": "Requested action is forbidden",
    "message_code": "api.action.forbidden"

  • the id of the different sub-accounts I used -> ends with this response:

"http_status": 400,
"message": "Unknown publisher",
"message_code": "api.action.bad_request.null"

So my question is, where can I get the proper account_id that will fetch me the revenue summary report?

Is there an endpoint to be used with the network account_id first to retrieve the other id ?

Thanks in advance for your replies,