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New Android and iOS SDK versions - 2.8.0 (iOS 14 and Android 11 ready versions)


Android / iOS SDK 2.8.1

**We're happy to announce our new SDK versions - Android and iOS 2.8.0

SDK version 2.8.0 is an important SDK version that helps us to be prepared for iOS 14 and Android 11.

In the iOS SDK, the SDK is compatible with Apple's iOS 14 new privacy guidelines. The SDK respects the authorization status of the new "App Tracking Transparency" library and fetches the IDFA accordingly. Using the SDK does not trigger the IDFA permission popup window, and you're welcome to show it whenever you think it will raise the likelihood of the user giving permission to use the identifier. Please also note that currently there is no need to add any Taboola or Taboola's media vendors SKAdNetwork IDs to your app's file

Upgrade the iOS SDK now

iOS changelog

In the Android SDK, we made sure that our SDK works well on projects that are targeting API 30 (Android 11). The Android SDK version 2.8.0 will be available on the week of September 22nd.

Upgrade the Android SDK now
Android changelog