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New Android and iOS SDK versions - 2.7.0/2.7.1

**We're happy to announce our new SDK versions - Android 2.7.0 and iOS 2.7.1

We recommend our publishers to upgrade to this version when they can;

Android SDK and iOS SDK
We improved the visibility mechanism, to avoid reporting hidden/un-attached widgets/feeds as visible, for example, when using a view pager. Publishers who will use Android SDK 2.7.0 and iOS SDK 2.7.1 and onwards can expect improved visibility measurements and some change to the "visibility rate" figure in the "Interaction Funnel" dashboard in Backstage

As we do in any Android/iOS SDK version update, we fixed bugs that we collected using the SDK "global uncaught exception handler".

Android SDK only
AndroidX support - we are continuing our AndroidX compatibility process with SDK 2.x. In Android SDK 2.7.0 we added support for AndroidX.Browser, the ChromeCustomTabs replacement. Please refer to the new AndroidX step in the Taboola Android SDK getting started section here.

In addition to adding support for AndroidX.Browser, we also improved the way the SDK is working with SupportV4 dependencies.

iOS SDK only
In addition to the improvements to the visibility detection mechanism, we also started to prepare the SDK for iOS 14. iOS SDK 2.7.1 is compiled using xCode 11, thus the stuff that was added in regards to iOS 14 is not active. We plan to release a beta version on our iOS SDK in the coming days, that is using xCode 12 beta, together with the relevant changes for iOS 14. When we do so, we will post here a new message and changelog.

We also fixed a rare crash in Widget/Feed via JS that happens in iOS 10.

Upgrade the Android SDK now
Upgrade the iOS SDK now

Android changelog
iOS change log