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New Android and iOS SDK version 2.6.0


iOS SDK 2.6.2

Please note that since the release of iOS SDK 2.6.0 we had to release two minor versions with bug fixes; The latest iOS SDK version is 2.6.2 (see changelog here)

We're happy to announce our new Android and iOS SDK latest version! - 2.6.0

We recommend our publishers to upgrade to this version when they can;

Android + iOS SDK
TCFv2 Support - we added support for the IAB Transparency and Consent Framework V2 (TCFv2) . Starting from SDK 2.6.0 and onwards we will collect consent status if the publisher is using a CMP that supports TCFv2. SDK 2.6.0 will continue to collect the TCFv1 status. If the publisher is using both, TCFv2 is preferred

In addition to the TCFv2 support, SDK 2.6.0 includes bug fixes we are automatically collecting using our Android and IOS SDK GUEH system.

Android SDK only
AndroidX support - we are in the process of making sure our SDK can work well when using AndroidX; This SDK version (2.6.0) is addressing some crash reports we were getting when publishers tried to use our SDK with AndroidX on these components: ScrollView, ViewPager, and Broadcast manager. We are continuing our research on verifying AndroidX compatibility. If you found an issue when trying to work with our SDK and AndroidX - please let us know: [email protected]

iOS SDK only
Added a function that returns the Taboola View ScrollView back to the publisher. We get several feature requests to allow publishers to easily find the TaboolaView (in Widget/Feed via Native - SDK Standard) scroll view. You can now do so using the "getScrollView" method inside the TaboolaView

Upgrade the Android SDK now
Upgrade the iOS SDK now

Android changelog
iOS change log