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New Android and iOS SDK version 2.4.0

25/2/2020 update
We released iOS SDK 2.4.1 with a hotfix to an issue that prevented some apps from submitting their versions to the App Store

We're happy to announce our new Android and iOS SDK latest version! - 2.4.0

We recommend our publishers to upgrade to this version when they can;

Android + iOS SDK:
We added support for the IAB CCPA framework. Until now, our SDK allowed the publisher to pass the "Do Not Sell" indication under the CCPA regulation directly to the Taboola SDK. In this SDK version, we are adding support for the IAB CCPA framework. When using this framework, you can store the CCPA status into a shared location, and the Taboola SDK will fetch it. Please make sure to implement the CCPA framework according to the IAB spec

We deprecated the setOptionalPageCommands function. Please use the setExtraProperties method for any local feature flag setting

iOS SDK only:
The iOS SDK framework file is now a dynamic file and not a static file. We also took this opportunity to rename the Carthage framework file to be like the Cocoapods filename. Carthage publishers should change the framework filename from TaboolaFramework.framework to TaboolaSDK.framework

We fixed a bug that caused the iOS SDK to crash when the publisher is not using the IAB GDPR framework correctly by setting wrong value types in NSUserDefaults

We also had an embarrassing issue where we had a type on our setExtraPropetries method. Well, we fixed it by deprecating the function and adding a new one, with the right spelling - setExtraProperties :-)

Android SDK only:
We fixed a bug that sometimes caused the Android SDK API not to fetch the GDPR consent string when the publisher is using 3rd party CMP SDK

We Changed the SDK sharedPreferences setting back to MODE_PRIVATE

The Android SDK API now works with Picasso 2.71828 image library. Please don't forget that you can always handle the image downloading manually.

Back in the Android SDK 2.3.0 version, we implemented a GUEH (global uncaught exception handler). This tool sends to Taboola any crash (NPE) in the app the SDK is running in, allowing us to fix edge cases and improve the overall stability. In this version, we fixed my rare crashes from the past couple of weeks.

Android SDK upgrade link

iOS SDK upgrade link

Android SDK full changelog

iOS SDK full changelog

One more thing...
We changed the URL of the SDK documentation website from "" to "". As we add more products to this documentation hub - Backstage API we need a new URL, that reflects a website for all of Taboola developers, not only the SDK!