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New Android SDK (2.2.3) and iOS SDK (2.1.6)

We're happy to announce our new Android (2.2.3) and iOS SDK (2.1.6) versions.

Android SDK full change log -

iOS SDK full change log -


  • added: Android SDK: Taboola Feed can now include a carousel card when the publisher is using horizontal scrolling
  • added: Android SDK and iOS SDK: Taboola Android SDK now supports the IAB Consent framework
  • added: Android SDK and iOS SDK: We added an option to pass the SDK an internal user ID
  • added: Android SDK and iOS SDK: We added an option to force CSS rules on the HTML the widget/feed is rendering on - to better support apps that are using dark UI mode
  • improved: Android SDK: IMPORTANT! The SDK is now compatible with AndroidX/Jetpack - as a result we had to change the Taboola attributes by adding "tb_" prefix on each one. This is highly important for publisher who are using the Android layout XML to create Taboola Widget on SDK via native
  • improved: Android SDK: We improved our SDK API by allowing publishers to avoid compiling the "Picasso" image loading library (Please contact your account manager to get the SDK API documentation link)
  • fixed: Android SDK: Fixed an issue that caused the Android SDK Standard to use hardware/software acceleration to render itself