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New Android SDK (2.2.1) and iOS SDK (2.1.5)

We're happy to announce our new Android (2.2.1) and iOS SDK (2.1.5) versions.

Android SDK changelog -

iOS SDK changelog -


  • added: Android SDK: Support for device orientation change in Widget via Native
  • added: iOS SDK: Support for device orientation change in Widget via Native
  • added: Android SDK: The SDK can now detect if the Feed (via native) height is not fixed - please make sure to adjust the Feed height as described in the integration instructions
  • fixed: Android SDK: Fixed an issue that prevented reloading the widget when changing the mode from bright to dark mode and vice versa
  • improved: Android SDK: More improvements to the SDK networking calls
  • improved: iOS SDK: We improved the iOS SDK Feed via Native to return the scroll to the publisher app when the user reloads the current screen
  • fixed: iOS SDK: Fixed an issue that caused too-early viewability reporting on apps that are using UICollectionView