New Android and iOS SDK version - 2.3.7
over 5 years ago by Taboola
We're happy to announce our new Android and iOS SDK latest version! - 2.3.7
iOS SDK 2.3.7 changelog:
- Added support to position TaboolaWidget by using Constraints in addition to frames (widget / feed)
- Added the option to hide the scrolling bars for Feed via Native. See the SDK reference to see how
- The onItemClick "placementNamed" is now returning the placement name instead of the item's title
- Removed the UIWebView API from Widget/Feed via JS to comply with the App Store policy
- Restored the option to manually report a click event when using SDK API (handleClickEvent). Using this method is remotely blocked. To use it, please contact your Solution Manager / Support
- Fixed an issue where bad items click URLs caused the SDK to stop responding
- Other minor bug fixes and performance improvements
Android SDK 2.3.7 change-log:
- Added "consumerProguardFiles" logic to add the SDK Proguard rules automatically. Using the rules manually is still possible
- Added the option to hide the scrolling bars for Feed via Native. See the SDK reference to see how
- We added a pull-to-refresh example to our public example project
- Fixed rare crashes related to SDK API when loading Picasso and when handling with the API response