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New Android SDK version (2.3.0) and iOS SDK version (2.3.1)

We're happy to announce a new major release for mobile SDK - version 2.3.0 for Android Android and 2.3.1 for iOS

This SDK version includes new additions, better stability, bug fixes and other under-the-hood performance improvements.

To ensure you are taking advantage of all of the latest and greatest features, we strongly encourage upgrading to the latest Taboola SDK version at least once per quarter.

To upgrade the Android SDK, please set the gradle implementation version to 2.3.0

To upgrade the iOS SDK, please set the Cocoapods/Carthage version to 2.3.1

Change log:




  • Android SDK: Fixed an issue that prevented Taboola from loading at the same time that the screen loads when using RecyclerView.
  • Android SDK: Fixed an issue that prevented using a Carousel card in Taboola Feed when the app used horizontal scrolling (ViewPager).
  • Android SDK: Fixed an issue that caused the Android SDK Widget/Feed via native to use hardware/software acceleration when rendering webviews.
  • Android SDK: Fixed an issue that caused the SDK to crash when the webview was set to null.
    iOS SDK: Fixed an issue that caused sending the wrong user-agent when using iPad devices.