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New Android and iOS SDK version 2.1.1

We're happy to announce our new Android and iOS SDK latest version! - 2.1.1

The main scope of this version was adding a new UI indicator for scroll switch event in the Feed via Native integration. Adding an endless to your apps requires us to shift the scrolling from the app into our Taboola Feed. Sometimes, especially on high-velocity scrolling gestures, the users might experience a halt in the scrolling smoothness. We are now introducing a new unique UI indicator when the scroll switch happens. This indicator preserves a good UX for your users.

Taboola Feed via Native - Android:

Taboola Feed via Native - iOS:

We also improved some under-the-hood stuff and fixed minor bug fixes.


  • added: UI indicator when switching the scroll from the app to Taboola's Feed (Android and iOS)
  • improved: We improved the way we handle the current state of the Feed/Widget via native, making sure the different configuration is not getting reset (Android)
  • improved: We removed the GSON dependency, please make sure to see the updated Proguard rules (Android)
  • fixed: We fixed an issue where the "About Taboola" popup window failed to load on certain devices (Android)
  • fixed: Under-the-hood bug fixes and performance improvements